Pristomerus guinness Rousse, Villemant & Seyrig 2013
- 1. Natural History Department, Iziko South African Museum, PO Box 61, Cape Town, 8000, South Africa. & Stellenbosch University, Department of Botany and Zoology, Evolutionary Genomics Group, Private Bag X 1, Stellenbosch, 7602, South Africa. & Email: rousse. pascal @ wanadoo. fr (corresponding author) & urn: lsid: zoobank. org: author: B 06 C 2640 - 700 A- 429 B-AA 2 F- 1 BE 09251 C 845
- 2. Natural History Department, Iziko South African Museum, PO Box 61, Cape Town, 8000, South Africa. & Department of Biological Sciences, University of Cape Town, Private Bag, Rondebosch, 7701, South Africa. & urn: lsid: zoobank. org: author: 7 CCD 166 F-F 1 FA- 43 DA-B 582 - 4 E 84 EAF 59 AD 1
Pristomerus guinness Rousse, Villemant & Seyrig, 2013
Fig. 9
Diagnosis (range of variation from Rousse et al. 2013)
Head whitish yellow with frons, inter-ocellar area and occiput black; mesosoma testaceous–orange; metasoma black with apical margin of tergites 2–7 white; antenna basally black, fading to pale testaceous, then apically darker; face densely and shallowly punctate; inner margins of eyes subparallel; clypeus transverse, sparsely punctate; malar line long; occipital carina joining hypostomal carina shortly above mandible base; antenna long with 35–36 flagellomeres, penultimate flagellomere quadrate; mesosoma elongate, very densely punctate-granulate except pronotum centrally and speculum ventrally smoother, and mesoscutum mid-posteriorly transversely rugose; area superomedia elongate; female femoral tooth about as long as basally wide; ovipositor moderately long, weakly sinuous apically. B 6.2–9.2; A 4.7– 6.9; F 4.9–7.1; CT 1.8; ML 0.7; POL 0.7; OOL 0.4; Fl n–1 1.0; ASM 2.5; OT 1.4–1.5; FFT 1–2. Male with ocelli and femoral tooth enlarged, posterior ocellus almost touching eyes dorsally; otherwise similar to female. OOL 0.1; POL 0.4.
Differential diagnosis
Rather large Madagascan species, differentiated from all other Afrotropical species by the atypical colour pattern: head mostly white, mesosoma testaceous orange and metasoma mostly black with apical margins of tergites white. The only other Afrotropical species with a somewhat similar colour pattern is P. zulu sp. nov., whose face is medially reddish-testaceous and the malar line is distinctly shorter.
Material examined
MADAGASCAR: ♀, “ MADAGASCAR, Rogez, foret côte est, V. 32, EY 0000003649” (MNHN).
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Linked records
Additional details
- Collection code
- Family
- Ichneumonidae
- Genus
- Pristomerus
- Kingdom
- Animalia
- Order
- Hymenoptera
- Phylum
- Arthropoda
- Scientific name authorship
- Rousse, Villemant & Seyrig
- Species
- guinness
- Taxon rank
- species
- Type status
- holotype
- Taxonomic concept label
- Pristomerus guinness Rousse, 2013 sec. Rousse & Noort, 2015
- Rousse P., Villemant C. & Seyrig A. 2013. Ichneumonid wasps from Madagascar. VI. The genus Pristomerus (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae: Cremastinae). European Journal of Taxonomy 49: 1 - 38. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.5852 / ejt. 2013.49