Published April 19, 2018 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Phaenoglyphis villosa


Phaenoglyphis villosa (Hartig, 1841)

Figs 6.21, 7.15

Xystus villosus Hartig, 1841: 353. Type: deposited in ZSM (examined).

Allotria villosus – Taschenberg 1866: 130.

Allotria villosa – Dalla Torre 1893: 36.

Dilyta (Alloxysta) villosa – Kieffer 1900: 114.

Alloxysta (Alloxysta) villosa – Dalla Torre & Kieffer 1902: 39; 1910: 260.

Phaenoglyphis villosa – Evenhuis & Barbotin 1977: 184.

Alloxysta villosa – Andrews 1978: 92.


Phaenoglyphis villosa is characterized by a partially open radial cell that is 2.1–2.7 times as long as wide; the presence of pronotal and propodeal carina; the absence of notauli; scutellum with two deep oval foveae more or less separated by a carina or completely fused (Fig. 7.15); female antenna with rhinaria beginning on F3, F1 as long as pedicel or slightly longer, F1 subequal to F2, F2 shorter than F3, and F3 shorter than F4 (Fig. 6.21); male antenna with rhinaria beginning on F3, F1 subequal to F2, and F2 shorter than F3. At the moment, P. villosa is easily differentiated from the other species of Phaenoglyphis, because it is the only one with a partially open radial cell.

Material examined


GERMANY: ♀ [♀; Holotype (orange label); Xystus villosus Hartig, det. H.H. Evenhuis 1977; Phaenoglyphis villosa (Hartig, 1841) ♀ M. Ferrer-Suay det. 2011] (ZSM).

Additional specimens (28 ♂♂, 64 ♀♀)

CYPRUS: 1 ♂, 2 ♀♀ [Limassol, 25 May 1934, G.A. Mavromoustakis] (BMNH B.M. 1935-55).

CZECH REPUBLIC: 2 ♀♀ [central Bohemia, 30 Jul. 1991, J. Macek] (CNCI C-278); 1 ♀ [Moravia, Lanzhot-Ranspurk, 7–9 Aug. 1991, L. Masner, sweep, climax flood forest] (CNCI C-268); 1 ♀ [Moravia, 16 km N Blansko, 8 Aug. 1991, L. Masner, sweep. Tilia-Acer forest] (CNCI C-271); 1 ♀ [Moravia, Javorina, 800–900 m, 10 Aug. 1991, L. Masner, sweep, climax deciduous forest] (CNCI C-266); 1 ♂ [Moravia, Zidlochovice, 20 Nov. 1984, N.D. Springate] (BMNH).

FINLAND: 1 ♀ [Kevo, Res. Station, 69°45′ N, 27°00′ E, 24 Jun. 1989, H. Goulet, sweep] (CNCI C-309).

FRANCE: 1 ♀ [Hérault, Baillarguet CSIRO lab., 43°41′12″ N, 3°52′24″ E, 15–22 May 1993, P.G. Mason, champ sauvage, MT] (CNCI C-302).

GERMANY: 1 ♀ [Mainz, 18 Sep.–1 Oct. 1965, A.W. Steffan] (CNCI C-236); 1 ♀ [Ingelheim am Rhein, ??.??.1968, MT in orchard, A.W. Steffan] (CNCI C-238); 2 ♀♀ [Ingelheim am Rhein, 1–30 Sep. 1968, MT, A.W. Stephan, orchard, cynipoidea] (CNCI C-237); 3 ♂♂, 3 ♀♀ [Schwarzwald, Todtmoos environs, 6 Aug. 1984, L. Masner, screen sweeping] (CNCI C-235); 1 ♂ [Anmuhle, near Hamburg Sachsenwald, 22 Aug. 1984, L. Masner, screen sweeping] (CNCI C-296).

IRAN: 3 ♀♀ [Karaj, 40 km W Tehran, 25–28 Jun. 1978, J.T. Huber, YPT] (CNCI C-316); 8 ♀♀ [Karaj, 40 km W Tehran, 3 Jul. 1978, J.T. Huber sweep] (CNCI C-315).

JAPAN: 1 ♀ [Ibaraki, Tsukuba, NIAES, 14–21 Jul. 1989, M.J. Sharkey, PT] (CNCI C-191); 1 ♀ [Ibaraki, Tsukuba, NIAES, 31 May–8 Jun. 1989, M.J. Sharkey, PT] (CNCI C-195); 1 ♂ [Hokkaido, 20 km N. Akkeshi, marsh, 100 m, 15 Jul. 1996, L. Masner, sweep] (CNCI C-160); 3 ♂♂ [Fukuoka, Mt. Hiko, 700 m, 9–10 May 1989, M.J. Sharkey, sweep] (CNCI C-183); 1 ♀ [Ibaraki, Tsukuba, NIAES, 8–15 Jun. 1989, M. Sharkey, FIT and MT] (CNCI C-150); 1 ♀ [Ibaraki, Tsukuba, NIAES, 27 Oct.–13 Nov. 1989, M. Sharkey, PT] (CNCI C-200); 2 ♂♂, 7 ♀♀ [C189, Gifu, Mt. Ena-san (ssw), 1200–1900 m, 5 Jun. 1995, K. Yamagishi]; 1 ♀ [Ibaraki, Tsukuba, Expo site, 7–16 May 1989, M.J. Sharkey, PT] (CNCI C-135); 1 ♂ [Gifu, Kasagawa, Ikeda-cho, 24 May 1984, R. Baczyuski] (CNCI C-181).

MALTA: 1 ♀ [Gozo, Ghasri Valley, 28 Dec. 1970, R.I. Vane-Wright] (BMNH B.M. 1971-38).

MOROCCO: 3 ♀♀ [Marrakech, Ouirgane, 1000 m, 31°08′ N, 8°05′ W, 8–13 May 1996, C. Kassebeer, MT] (CNCI C-295); 1 ♀ [Marrakech, Ouirgane, 1000 m, 31°08′ N, 8°05′ W, 4–11 Oct. 1996, C. Kassebeer, MT] (CNCI C-279).

PALESTINE: 1 ♀ [Rfar Ano, 25 Jul. 1950, ex Dacus olea, leg. Bylinski-Solz, 3167, Com. Inst. Ent. Coll. No. 2247] (BMNH).

RUSSIA: 1 ♂, 2 ♀♀ [Primoskiy Kray Ussyriysk District, Gomotayozhnoye, 11–15 Aug. 2003, Malaise trap, M.V. Michailovskaya] (USNM).

SLOVAKIA: 1 ♀ [Moravia, Lanzhot-Ranspurk, 9–12 Aug. 1991, L. Masner, climax hardwood forest, PT] (CNCI C-270); 1 ♀ [Koṧice, 14–17 Sep. 1984, N.D. Springate] (BMNH).

SLOVENIA: 1 ♀ [Radovljica, 3 Aug. 1978, L. Huggert, swept on dry meadow] (CNCI C-276).

SWEDEN: 2 ♀♀ [Sk., Lund Zoological Mus. grounds, Aug. 1976] (BMNH); 1 ♀ [Kalmar, Överum, 19 May–29 Jun. 1978, L. Huggert, MT at swampy lake shore] (CNCI C-312).

SWITZERLAND: 13 ♂♂, 10 ♀♀ [Dielsdorf, 650 m, 17 Aug. 1984, L. Masner, sweep] (CNCI C-290).

TURKEY: 1 ♂ [Bornova-Izmir, 4 May 1976, E. Fakültesi (handwritten), Ex. Myzus persicae] (BMNH).

UNITED KINGDOM: England: 1 ♀ [Lincolnshire, Moorside near Fulsby Wood, 22–25 Aug. 1986, 53°7′6″ N, 0°7′11″ W, J.S. Noyes] (CNCI C-277).



Certain records: Andorra (Pujade-Villar et al. 2007: 171), Argentina (Pujade-Villar et al. 2002: 543), Balearic Islands (Pujade-Villar et al. 2001: 85), Belgium (Pujade-Villar et al. 2007: 171), Canada (Menke & Evenhuis 1991: 150; Pujade-Villar et al. 2007: 171), Chile (Pujade-Villar et al. 2002: 543), China (Pujade-Villar et al. 2007: 171), Colombia (Ferrer-Suay et al. 2012f: 327), England (Müller et al. 1999: 346), Germany (Pujade-Villar et al. 2007: 171), Greece (Pujade-Villar et al. 2007: 171), Hungary (Pujade-Villar et al. 2007: 171), India (Ferrer-Suay et al. 2013i), Iran (Pujade-Villar et al. 2007: 171), Japan (Pujade-Villar et al. 2007: 171; Takada & Nakamura 2010: 270), Madeira (Borges et al. 2008; Ferrer-Suay et al. 2012g: 14), Mexico (Ferrer-Suay et al. 2013m: 40), Morocco (Pujade-Villar et al. 2007: 171), New Zealand (Valentine 1975: 60; Evenhuis & Barbotin 1977: 185; Ferrer-Suay et al. 2012h: 238), Norway (Pujade-Villar et al. 2007: 171), Taiwan (Pujade-Villar et al. 2007: 171), The Netherlands (Evenhuis & Barbotin 1977: 185), Ukraine (Pujade-Villar et al. 2007: 171), USA (Pujade- Villar et al. 2007: 171).

Uncertain records: Algeria (Kieffer 1909: 482), Australia (Girault 1931: 2; Carver 1992: 783; Wilson & Swincer 1984: 47), Belgium (Crèvecoeur & Maréchal 1933: 269), Bulgaria and Balkan Peninsula (Vasileva-Sumnalieva 1976: 24), Canada (Andrews 1978: 34), England (Cameron 1889: 58; Dalla Torre & Kieffer 1910: 280), Finland (Hellén 1931: 5; 1958: 67; 1963: 7), France (Kieffer 1902a: 11–13; 1902b: 595, 597; De Gaulle 1908: 26; Andrews 1978: 84), Germany (Hartig 1841: 353; Hübner et al. 2002: 509), South Africa (Gaston et al. 2003: 1096), Hawaii (Beardsley 1985: 50), Iceland (Weld 1952: 253), Iraq (Al-Jassani & Al-Adil 1986: 59), Ireland (O’Connor & Nash 1997), USA (Ashmead 1898: 156), Moldova (Belizin 1966: 7), Poland (Kierych 1979b: 14), Romania (Ionescu 1963: 174; 1969: 247; Prelipcean et al. 2004: 60), Russia (Belizin 1962: 126; 1973: 36; Hellén 1963: 7), Peninsular Spain (Torras-Casals 1996: 196–197; Suay et al. 1998: 106), Sweden (Thomson 1862: 409), USA (Andrews 1978: 34; Menke & Evenhuis 1991: 150), USA (Kieffer 1909: 481), USA (Andrews 1978: 34).

New records: Cyprus, Czech Republic, Morocco, Palestine, Turkey and Switzerland.


Published as part of Ferrer-Suay, Mar, Selfa, Jesús & Pujade-Villar, Juli, 2018, Palaearctic species of Charipinae (Hymenoptera, Figitidae): two new species, synthesis and identification key, pp. 1-110 in European Journal of Taxonomy 427 on pages 95-97, DOI: 10.5852/ejt.2018.427,


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Phaenoglyphis villosa (Hartig, 1841) sec. Ferrer-Suay, Selfa & Pujade-Villar, 2018


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  • Taschenberg E. L. 1866. Die Hymenoptera Deutschlands. E. Kummer, Liepzig.
  • Dalla Torre C. G. 1893. Catalogus Hymenopterorum, Vol. II: Cynipiden. Englemann, Lipsiae.
  • Kieffer J. J. 1900. Ueber Allotrinen. Wiener Entomologische Zeitung 19: 112 - 115.
  • Dalla Torre K. W. & Kieffer J. J. 1902. Cynipidae. In: Wytsman P. (ed.) Genera Insectorum, Vol. I. Desemt-Verteneuil, Brussels.
  • Dalla Torre K. W. & Kieffer J. J. 1910. Das Tierreich XXIV: Cynipidae. R. Friedlander & Sons, Berlin.
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  • Andrews F. G. 1978. Taxonomy and host specificity of Nearctic Alloxystinae with a catalogue of the World species (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae). Ocassional Papers in Entomology 25: 1 - 128.
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