Published January 28, 2010 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Halffterinetis Moron & Nogueira 2007

  • 1. University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE, United States of America


Halffterinetis Morón & Nogueira, 2007

Halffterinetis Morón & Nogueira 2007: 52. Type species: Halffterinetis gonzaloi Morón & Nogueira, by original designation.

Description. Scarabaeidae, Cetoniinae, Gymnetini. Form: Rhomboidal, robust, sides slightly tapering toward apex of elytra, dorsum nearly flat. Color shiny black, males of H. gonzaloi with chalky white marks on lateral margin of pronotum (Fig. 6) and sides of 4 th sternite; males of H. violetae and females lacking cretaceous marks (Fig. 7). Surface of frons densely punctate to rugopunctate, usually with short setae. Head: Shape subrectangular, longer than wide. Clypeus with apex broadly truncate, distinctly emarginate at middle, surface distinctly concave (Fig. 8). Antenna 10-segmented, club in males longer than antennomeres 1–7 (Fig. 8), club in females subequal in length to antennomeres 2–7. Eyes small. Pronotum: Shape subtrapezoidal, widest near base, gradually convergent to anterior angles, basomedian lobe with margin arcuate, weakly to moderately produced, most of scutellum visible. Elytra: Widest at base, posthumeral emargination distinct. Pygidium: Surface varies from moderately densely punctate to having strong, concentric, vermiform strigulae (Fig. 9). Legs: Protibia tridentate in both sexes, teeth subequally spaced. Metatrochanter triangular, elongated, flush with posterior margin of metafemur in both sexes, not projecting as a spur. Metafemur slightly enlarged. Metatibia at apex with 2 broad lobes and with 2 long, articulated, apical spurs. Venter: Mesometasternal process short, nearly obsolete, flat, apex rounded.

Diagnosis. The genus Halffterinetis is unique among the American Gymnetini, because the basomedian lobe of the pronotum is only arcuate to moderately produced (not covering most of the scutellum) instead of strongly produced posteriorly (covering all but the extreme tip of the scutellum) as in the other genera of the tribe. Morón and Nogueira (2007) proposed Halffterinetis as a member of the Blaesiina pending further studies, and I am in agreement with their placement. I have a single female (AMNH) collected in August from Guadalupe in the state of Coahuila (a NEW STATE RECORD for the genus) that I am unable to assign to the species level; characteristics of the specimen do not coincide with the description of H. gonzaloi, and the female of H. violetae remains unknown.

Distribution. Halffterinetis species are known from northern Mexico only.


Published as part of Ratcliffe, Brett, 2010, A review of the Blaesiina (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Cetoniinae, Gymnetini), pp. 105-128 in ZooKeys 34 (34) on page 114, DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.34.289,


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Scientific name authorship
Moron & Nogueira
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Taxonomic concept label
Halffterinetis &, 2007 sec. Ratcliffe, 2010


  • Moron MA, Nogueira G (2007) Halffterinetis, nuevo genero mexicano de Cetoniidae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea). In: Zunino M, Melic A (Eds) Escarabajos, Diversidad y Conservacion Biologica. Sociedad Entomologica Aragonesa, Monografias 3 ercer Milenio M 3 M, Volume 7: 51 - 61.