Published June 4, 2014 | Version v1
Presentation Open

Exploring the data management and curation practices of scientists in research labs

  • 1. Florida State University


This presentation will discuss survey results from the Phase 1 of my dissertation research, "Exploring the Data Management and Curation (DMC) Practices of Scientists in Research Labs within a Research University". Data management and curation (DMC) is comprised of (1) data management planning, (2) data curation, (3) digital curation, and (4) digital preservation concepts. The survey included a 25-question adapted Data Asset Framework (DAF) questionnaire. The survey was administered to five high-profile research labs at Florida State University and scientists affiliated with the National Science Foundation (NSF) EarthCube project in Fall 2013. The survey yielded 107 completes, an 83% completion rate, and 10 scientists that agreed to participate in Phase 2 of my dissertation research that includes interviews currently in progress. The purpose of this survey is to build a better understanding of research data held in departments across multiple disciplinary domains, to inform strategic planning for data management at research labs at Florida State University, and to inform the wider research data management community. This presentation will present survey results from an adapted DAF survey as part of a mixed-methods research approach investigating the data management and curation practices of scientists in research labs and the NSF EarthCube project.



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