Regional state funds for support of science, technology and innovation: success, problems, foreign experience
This article examines the activities of the regional state funds for support of science, technology and innovation as an instrument for implementing regional innovation policy, with the aim to develop recommendations for stimulating and enhancing the efectiveness of research and innovation in the subjects of the Russian Federation. The authors faced several tasks: to ind out whether the regional scientiic funds take into account the speciics of their region (its social, economic, technological problems) when forming the tenders; to clarify whether there is a competition with federal funds, as well as to study the public opinion on the activities of the regional state funds drawing on the reviews from sites, forums and social media. The authors analyzed the foreign experience of forming a regional network of state scientiic foundations in order to identify the most relevant and successful examples of such activities, applicable in Russian conditions. On the basis of this research the authors outlined some proposals for the development of a network of the regional funds for science, technology and innovation in order to increase the eiciency of the regional budgetary expenditures for scientiic research, which should create favorable conditions for research and development in accordance with modern principles of organization of innovation activities, as well as contribute to the solution of the critical regional problems.
REGIONAL STATE FUNDS FOR SUPPORT. Lapochkina, Kamensky, Kornilov. 2018-2.pdf
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