Biodiversity of the steps of the Lysa Hora - an element of the regional ecological network of the Odessa region
- 1. Institute of Agroecology and Environmental Management of The National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine
The article presents the results of studies of phytochemical diversity of the steppe tract Lysa Hora – an element of the regional ecological network of the Odessa region. The purpose of the study is to evaluate the ecological role of phytobiots of the Lysa Hora steppe tract, in particular in the spread of phytodiversity for the balanced development of the territory.
Methods. For the analysis of phytobiots classical methods researches were used. Identification of plant species was performed according to the relevant determinant (Definitor ..., 1987). The biomorphological structure of species of higher vascular plants is represented by the linear system of life forms of V.M. Golubev (1972) and K. Raunkier (1934). The ecological structure of plant groups was determined by NI Basilevich (1986), ecological-phytocenotic structure - according to A.D. Belgard (1950). The data collected during the field surveys were processed using the spreadsheet program Microsoft Excel and Statistica 7.0.
Research results. An assessment of the ecological role of the steppe tract of the Lysa Hora is given, according to the main ecological indicators: species richness, incidence and abundance of phytobiots. According to the results of our research, it has been established that 210 species of higher vascular plants belonging to 112 genera and 37 families occur in these territories. Most species of phytobiots belong to the Asteraceae – 17.1 %, Fabaceae and Lamiaceae – 11.4 %, Poaceae – 8 % to the leading families. The top ten genera of the spectrum also include the families Rosaceae, Scrophulariaceae, Rubiaceae, Brassicaceae, Boraginaceae, Plantaginaceae. In the spectrum of biomorphs, herbs are dominated by herbaceous plants – 50.1 %, perennials – 29.5 %. The location of the buds of renewal relative to the soil substrate is dominated by hemicryptophytes – 35.2 %, the proportion of terrophytes is 29 %, phanerophytes – 5.2, geophytes – 4.2, chamephytes – 1.4 %. The habitat of rare and endangered species of higher vascular plants, which indicate the value of the Lysa Hora steppe tract in floristic terms, has also been established.
Conclusions. Steppe Tract Lysa Hora as an integral part of the regional eco-network, despite significant anthropogenic transformation, remains an important link in the spread of phyto-diversity and conservation of biota
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