The influence of antigibberellin preparations on the accumulation and redistribution of different forms of carbohydrates in potato plants
- 1. Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University
- 2. Communal Higher Educational Establishment the Institution "Vinnitsia Academy of Continuing Education"
The aim of the study was to determine the effects of antigibberellin preparations with different mechanisms of action on growth processes, leaf apparatus, accumulation and redistribution of different forms of carbohydrates in potato plants and to find out changes in the productivity of crops under their influence.
Materials and methods. Field small-scale experiments were laid in the vegetation periods of 2013-2015. Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) of cv. Sante was treated in the budding phase with aqueous solutions of tebuconazole (EW-250) (0.025%), chlormequat chloride (CCC-750) (0.25%) and esfon (2-CEPA) (0.15 %) with the Marolex CO-12 backpack sprayer. The effect of preparations on plant height, leaf apparatus, concentration of the amount of chlorophylls in leaves, specific surface density of leaves, leaf area and the content of various forms of carbohydrates in the vegetative organs were investigated. Sampling of the dry material for biochemical studies and determination of phytometric parameters and chlorophyll content were performed every 10 days. The content of various forms of carbohydrates in plant organs was determined by the iodometric method in a fixed dry material. The study results were statistically processed using the Statistica 6.0 computer program.
Results. It was found, that all preparations reduced the linear size of potato plants, increased the content of the amount of chlorophylls in the leaves and the specific surface density of lamines. Due to the action of ethyleneproducer 2-CEPA, the growth processes were most significantly inhibited and the leaf blades in potato plants were most thickened. Under the influence of retardants the number of leaves on the plant and the mass of their dry matter increased. EW-250 increased leaf area and maximized chlorophyll content.
The use of EW-250 and CCC-750 increased the outflow of sugars and the redistribution of starch from roots, stems and leaves in the second half of the growing season. The preparations increased starch accumulation in potato tubers.
The use of ethyleneproducer 2-CEPA was ineffective, despite a number of positive changes in physiological and biochemical parameters.
Conclusions. Retardants EW-250 and CCC-750, inhibiting growth processes in potato plants, optimized the leaf apparatus, altered the nature of donor-acceptor relationships in them by enhancing the flow of plastic substances from the above-ground vegetative organs to the roots and tubers, which increased the productivity of the crop. The most effective was the use of the EW-250
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