Published April 27, 2020 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Classification of Network Cyberattacks for Efficient Cognitive Fog Computing

  • 1. CSE, GCOE, Amravati, India


IoT is the network which connects and communicates with billions of devices through the internet and due to the massive use of IoT devices, the shared data between the devices or over the network is not confidential because of increasing growth of cyberattacks. The network traffic via loT systems is growing widely and introducing new cybersecurity challenges since these loT devices are connected to sensors that are directly connected to large-scale cloud servers. In order to reduce these cyberattacks, the developers need to raise new techniques for detecting infected loT devices. In this paper, to control over this cyberattacks, the fog layer is introduced, to maintain the security of data on a cloud. Also, the working of fog layer and different anomaly detection techniques to prevent the cyberattacks has been studied.


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Computer Science Engineering