Published April 24, 2020 | Version v1
Dataset Open

Data for the hydrodynamic, salinity and temperature 2D numerical simulation at Cádiz Bay (Spain)

  • 1. University of Seville
  • 2. Andalusian Institute for Earth System Research, University of Granada


The dataset included in this repository was used to perform numerical simulations of hydrodynamics, salinity and temperature in the Bay of Cádiz, including the calibration and testing of the model. The simulation were performed with a 2D implementation of the Delft3D model.  
Brief description of the files included in the dataset:

  • REDEXT_T_HIS_GolfoDeCadiz is a text file with the data from buoy 2342 used to define the offshore boundary conditions for waves (Hm0, Tp, Dmd), salinity (Sa2) and temperature (Ts2), and the wind forcing (Vv_md, Dv_md). See heading for variable units. 
  • Field_data.mat: this file contains the field data used to calibrate and validate the model. There is one structure for each of the five instruments deployed (I1, I2, I3, I3a and I3b) with measurements from acoustic Doppler current profilers (ADCPs) and conductivity-temperature (CTs) devices. For each instruments, data are split by calibration and testing periods. The variables therein are:
    • X and Y: X and Y UTM 30S coordinates of the deployment location
    • time: date of the data in julian days
    • pressure: pressure data (m)
    • vE and vN: East and North depth average velocities (m/s)
    • sal: depth-average salinity (psu)
    • temp: depth-average water temperature (ºC)
  • Heat_model.mat: a file containing the variables needed for the heat model. The values correspond to the closest station to the Cádiz bay and were considered as representative of the condition therein. The variables are:
    • Time: date in Julian days
    • Cloudiness: daily-average cloudiness (%)
    • Humidity: daily-average atmospheric relative humidity (%)
    • Radiation: daily-average (short wave) solar radiation (W/m2)
    • Temperature: daily-average air surface temperature (ºC)
  • a zip file containing the necessary files to run the 13-month Delft3D simulation (October 2012 to November 2013) with online coupling of the Flow and Wave modules, including the harmonics of the astronomical tide in the .bca file
  • a zip file containing the necessary files to run the 13-month Delft3D simulation (October 2012 to November 2013) with only the Flow module activated. 

Some of the files are binary (.mat format) but can be easily read using open source tools (e.g., Python or Octave).

The research leading to this dataset was founded by the Bay of Cadiz Port Authority and the Department of Innovation, Science and Business of the Andalusian Regional Government (Project P09-TEP-4630), the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through the Projects CTM2017-89531-R (PIRATES), CTM2017-82274-R (MICROBAHIA2) and by the “Programa Iberoamericano de Ciencia y Tecnología para el Desarrollo”, CYTED (project PROTOCOL 917PTE0538). The authors would also thank to the staff of the Environmental Fluid Dynamics research group (GDFA, University of Granada) for their support during the field survey. The first author was partially funded by the Andalusian Regional Government, Research Grant RNM-6352.


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