Published March 9, 2017 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

CORBEL Report on models and pilot designs for sustainable scalable cloud-based provision of data access and compute across infrastructures

  • 1. University Medical Center Groningen
  • 2. CSC
  • 4. Lygature
  • 5. University of Manchester
  • 6. EMBL-EBI


The mission of CORBEL is to facilitate joint operation of research infrastructures of Europe and to provide access to bioscientific resources in a standardised fashion. Task 3 in Work Package 6 addresses the secure data management and compute needs of service providers dealing with data that needs to be access controlled, for example human identifiable data such as genome sequences and related personal meta-data, and dealing with users acting in different roles.   As first deliverable we here report on models and pilot designs for sustainable scalable cloud-based provision of data and compute across infrastructures, providing guidance to BMS infrastructure development. Therefore we have first surveyed use cases and needs of BMS infrastructures and their users.

Subsequently we surveyed existing models for the provisioning of data access and compute. Finally, we have shortlisted a series of pilot designs to inform next steps in the joint development across BMS infrastructures and e-infrastructure providers, in particular within deliverable 6.5 of CORBEL but also in ongoing projects EXCELERATE, EGI-engage, BBMRI-ERIC ADOPT, etc. 


CORBEL_D6.4_Models for cloud based provision_February-2017.pdf

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European Commission
CORBEL – Coordinated Research Infrastructures Building Enduring Life-science services 654248