Published March 7, 2017 | Version v1
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Supplementary materials for "Testing the goodness of the EVS gender role attitudes scale"


  • 1. GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences


The files include supplementary results for background analyses performed for the manuscript "Testing the goodness of the EVS gender role attitudes scale" submitted to the journal Bulletin of Sociological Methodology/Bulletin de Méthodologie Sociologique. One file reports the result from exploratory factor analyses run on the EVS 2008 scale with 7 and 8 items; the other one shows intermediate results from the stepwise regression models performed on the same scale from EVS 2008 and EVS 1999.

Lomazzi, V. (2017). Testing the Goodness of the EVS Gender Role Attitudes Scale. Bulletin of Sociological Methodology/Bulletin de Méthodologie Sociologique, Forthcoming.


The study proposes the results from an evaluation of the scale used by the European Values Study to measure attitudes towards gender roles.The scale included in this survey is widely used but its goodness has never been properly investigated. I tested its reliability in 26 countries and evaluated the stability of its factorial structure. The tests show that, differently from the previous waves, the same scale used in 2008 is not enough tenable and displays several configurations across countries. In considering the source of this instability, I address to the issue of a possible priming effect due to adjacent questions introduced in the last wave. This seems to be confirmed by the preliminary analyses presented.


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