Published April 16, 2020 | Version Version 1
Journal article Open

Annotated checklist of vascular plants of Iceland

  • 1. Icelandic Institute of Natural History


The present edition of the annotated checklist is a comprehensive catalogue of all vascular plant taxa: native and alien that occur in Iceland. The checklist features nearly 2500 taxa names, including ca. 1000 accepted names and more than 1400 synonyms and encompasses, apart from the updated list of native taxa, a complete and revised list of non-native plants (both naturalized and casual) as well as a number of more important cultivated species. According to the checklist, there are 426 native taxa in the Icelandic flora. Ten taxa have been classified as doubtfully native, ten taxa have been classified as non-native of unknown age and 19 taxa qualified as archaeophytes. There are at least 65 non-native taxa naturalized in the Icelandic flora. In total, there are 530 taxa able to form self-sustaining populations in Iceland. Apart from the main core, 282 taxa have been registered as casual aliens (not able to form self-sustaining populations). One species – Primula egaliksensis, has been classified as extinct. The list encompasses also 150 taxa excluded from the Icelandic flora, with brief explanations of the reasons that lead to the exclusion.





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