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Published April 16, 2020 | Version v1
Conference paper Open

Supporting Sustainable Digital Data Workflows in the Art and Humanities

  • 1. DaSCH


The Data and Service Center for the Humanities ( DaSCH ) operates as a platform for humanities

research data and ensures access to this data and promotes the networking of data with other databases

(linked open data), to add value for further research and the interested public. As a competence center

for digital methods and long-term use of digital data, it supports the hermeneutically oriented

humanities in the use of state-of-the-art digital research methods. The DaSCH focuses on qualitative

data and associated digital objects (images, sound, video, etc.) in the cultural heritage field.

Long-term archiving or access is a major topic after the digital turn in the humanities, as many funding

agencies such as the Swiss National Science Foundation and the European Commission are now

requiring that a data management plan (D MP ) be in place to receive research funding. This new

imperative raises many questions in the scientific community. This paper points out the contributions

of the DaSCH for digital humanities researchers and the advantages of interoperability.



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