Quantifying firebrand production and transport using the acoustic analysis of in-fire cameras
- 1. Wildlife Conservation Society Canada, Whitehorse, Canada
- 2. FPInnovations Wildfire Operations Research, Edmonton, Canada
The following data are supporting information for the manuscript "Quantifying firebrand production and transport using the acoustic analysis of in-fire cameras" submitted by Thompson et al for review in Fire Technology.
Data included:
Geospatial data describing the block layout and camera locations is available via: https://zenodo.org/record/3925794/files/Polygons_Unit5_zontations.gpkg?download=1 which is from Thompson et al 2020 that describes the experimental fire more generally (https://www.mdpi.com/2571-6255/3/3/28)
Interpolated time of arrival raster (https://zenodo.org/api/files/298034bc-4b4c-491f-b245-bfa2cce8d58b/FireArrival_sec_after_ign.tif)
Observed flame heights from oblique photography and video during the fire, with calculated head fire intensity at each point (from doi: 10.3390/fire3030028)
sound clips in MP3 format (see attached 7zip file for compressed audio) (https://zenodo.org/api/files/298034bc-4b4c-491f-b245-bfa2cce8d58b/CompleteAudio_including_pre-ignition.7z)
R script to recreate acoustic detection data and figures (https://zenodo.org/api/files/298034bc-4b4c-491f-b245-bfa2cce8d58b/firebrand_acoustic_recognizer_script.R)