Published April 8, 2020 | Version v1
Dataset Open

Crown network datasets of Caatinga´s tree Cenostigma pyramidale (Tul.) Gagnon & G.P.Lewis (Leguminosae - Caesalpinoideae)

  • 1. State University of Paraíba, Center for Biological and Health Sciences, Department of Biology, Campina Grande, Paraíba, Brazil, 58429-500.
  • 2. Federal University of São Carlos, Center for Biological and Health Sciences, Department of Botany, São Carlos, São Paulo, Brazil, 13565-905.


Properties of woody crown networks of Cenostigma pyramidale (Tul.) Gagnon & G.P.Lewis (Leguminosae - Caesalpinoideae) growing under natural conditions in Caatinga vegetation area. The data are useful in plant ecophysiology, plant functional ecology by researchers investigating the woody crown traits. We obtained the data directly from a skeletonized representation of the woody crown in a two-dimensional space by hand drawing. Subsequently, the nodes counted, and their proportions (decomposition), the distances between the different types of nodes (topology), and the values of network properties (the combination of decomposition and topology) were obtained.Properties of woody crown networks of Cenostigma pyramidale (Tul.) Gagnon & G.P.Lewis (Leguminosae - Caesalpinoideae) growing under natural conditions in Caatinga vegetation area. The data are useful in plant ecophysiology, plant functional ecology by researchers investigating the woody crown traits. We obtained the data directly from a skeletonized representation of the woody crown in a two-dimensional space by hand drawing. Subsequently, the nodes counted, and their proportions (decomposition), the distances between the different types of nodes (topology), and the values of network properties (the combination of decomposition and topology) were obtained.


Data were obtained from the observation of fourteen individuals from tree species of Caatinga vegetation growing under natural conditions at the Northeast of Brazil in Paraiba State, located at the Fazenda Pocinho (7º29'46" S, 35º58'12" W) in the municipality of Barra de Santana, State of Paraíba, Brazil. The woody crowns were drawn (skeletonized) in the 2-D format as rooted trees resulting in networks with nodes and connectors. The data of decomposition, topology, and properties captured by skeletonized crowns.


Crown network datasets of Caatinga´s tree Cenostigma pyramidale - 08 April 2020.pdf