Published April 2, 2020 | Version v1
Conference paper Open

Análisis de los servicios 'a la carta' de las televisiones autonómicas españolas


We study the audiovisual archives on the Internet of Spanish autonomous a la carta televisions, based on twenty-six indicators grouped into five sections (general aspects, content, query system, results page and audiovisual characteristics). The twelve regional televisions belonging to the FORTA are analyzed and the current results are compared with those collected in 2012 in a previous work by the authors. As main conclusions, it can be pointed out that the 'a la carte' services of the Spanish autonomous televisions still have a medium level of development, since of the 58 points that the televisions can reach in the total of indicators, the analyzed archives get between 27 and 38 points. Among its weaknesses, it can be noted that they simply offer a simple search, without filter options or results management. These deficiencies have become a cyclical problem of ‘a la carte services’: seven years ago the televisions analyzed presented these same weaknesses and only in one case an improvement has been observed.



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