Published March 12, 2020 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Monardia (Xylopriona) obscura Jaschhof & Jaschhof 2020, sp. nov.


Monardia (Xylopriona) obscura sp. nov.

Figs 17–18

Diagnosis. As explained in the introduction to Xylopriona, the subgeneric placement here of Monardia (X.) obscura is tentative, motivated by the presence of both long empodia and antennal translucent sensilla other than simple hairs. We anticipate that this species will be combined with a discrete, new genus once the generic classification of Micromyini becomes subjected to comprehensive revision. For the time being, the multi-branched sensilla found in Monardia (X.) obscura (Fig. 18, ↓ 4) may be regarded as diagnostic of this species, for no other micromyine with this kind of sensilla is described. To avoid misidentification with similar, unnamed species, which certainly exist, the male genitalic characters described below should be checked for comparison. This species is known from a single male; females and larvae are unknown.

Other male characters. Body size 1.1–1.2 mm. Head. Postfrons setose. Eye bridge 3–4 ommatidia long dorsally. 6 postocular bristles. Scape and pedicel about same size. Hair-shaped multi-branched sensilla on flagellomeres 1–11. Neck of fourth flagellomere slightly shorter than the thick node; node with 1 complete and 2 incomplete crenulate whorls of sensory hairs, 2–3 varyingly multi-branched sensilla distally (Fig. 18). Palpus shorter than head height, 4-segmented; first segment thick, with hair-shaped translucent sensilla; second to fourth segment subcylindrical. Thorax. Pronotum setose. Wing. R 1 3.5 times as long as Rs. Legs. Claws with 1–2 fine teeth behind slight subapical swelling. Empodia as long as claws. Genitalia (Fig. 17). Ninth tergite shortened medially. Gonocoxal synsclerite somewhat angular, broader than long; ventral portions with large setae excepted a non-setose, membranous stripe medially below the emargination and a non-setose margin anteriorly; ventral emargination broadly Vshaped; anterior edge of dorsal bridge markedly sinuous. Gonostylus stout (↓ 5), in ventral view 1.5 times as long as broad, very slightly tapered towards apex; apical tooth small; 2–3 short subapical bristles. Tegmen large, subtriangular, pointed apically (↓ 6). Aedeagal apodeme about as long as tegmen, moderately sclerotized; basal portion rodlike; apical portion broadened, spatulate with small, subapical sidelobes (↓ 7). Cerci large, ovate, with dense microtrichia and several setae.

Etymology. The Latin adjective obscura is used here within the meaning of opaque or mysterious, alluding to our difficulty to appropriately classify this species.

Type material. Holotype. Male, Sweden, Lule Lappmark, Jokkmokk, Kaltisbäcken Nature Reserve, old-growth herb-rich boreal forest with plenty of aspen trees, 6 August 2016, aspirator, M. & C. Jaschhof (spn. CEC 2778 in NHRS).


Published as part of Jaschhof, Mathias & Jaschhof, Catrin, 2020, An update of Micromyinae (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) taxonomy, with descriptions of a new genus and 13 new species from Northern Europe, pp. 349-369 in Zootaxa 4750 (3) on page 360, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4750.3.3,


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Scientific name authorship
Jaschhof & Jaschhof
Taxonomic status
sp. nov.
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Monardia (Xylopriona) obscura Jaschhof & Jaschhof, 2020