Published April 3, 2019 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Gymnodactylus timoriensis Dumeril & Bibron 1836


Gymnodactylus timoriensis Duméril & Bibron, 1836 is an older synonym of Gonatodes humeralis (Guichenot, 1855)

François Louis Nompar de Caumont La Force, Comte de Castelnau (1810–1880) was a French naturalist, who collected several geckos during his journey to South America in 1843–47 (Castelnau 1850). Duméril & Duméril (1851) considered these specimens, from the Mission de Sarayacu on the Rio Ucayali in Peru, as members of their species “G. de Gaudichaud. Gaudichaudii Dum. Bib.” (= Garthia gaudichaudii), but they described some differences in pholidosis and color pattern. Guichenot (1855) recognized that these differences should not be attributed to members of the same species but provided evidence that they represented a distinct species, which he described and illustrated as Gymnodactylus humeralis Guichenot, 1855 (= Gonatodes humeralis) in detail (see also the descriptions of synonyms of G. humeralis, including Gymnodactylus incertus Peters 1871:397, Goniodactylus sulcatus O’Shaugnessy 1875:265, and Gonatodes ferrugineus Cope 1864:102).

Under consideration of observed intraspecific variation, the holotype of Gymnodactylus timoriensis conforms in all meristic characters as well as in the morphological and numerical aspects of scale characters to those of Gonatodes humeralis described in the literature. The one recognizable exception is the absence of a single, enlarged scale in the posterior part of the supraciliary flap, but this appears to be a variable character: similarly expanded ciliary scales near the end of the supraciliary flap were also missing in one of nine specimens from Surinam and Venezuela we examined. Like other specimens of G. humeralis, MNHN 0 810 possesses a short nasofrenal stripe, two postocular stripes that begin immediately on the posterior edge of the eye, and flecks in the shoulder area. Additional common elements of the color pattern include a relatively broad, light, unicolored vertebral stripe whose edge is produced by asymmetrical flecks, and laterally two linearly arranged rows of flecks and short stripes, where the upper row appears larger and darker than the lower row (see the descriptions and illustrations in Guichenot 1855; Mertens 1972; Hoogmoed 1973; Boos 1984; Hoogmoed & Avila-Pires 1991; Avila-Pires 1995; Lehr 2002; Cole & Kok 2006; Bernarde et al. 2011; Cole et al. 2013; Prudente et al. 2013; Morato et al. 2014; Roberto et al. 2014; Silva et al. 2016; Señaris et al. 2018).

Ultimately, we can only speculate about the exact collection locality of the holotype of Gymnodactylus timoriensis. Whereas Gonatodes humeralis does occur in Brazil, it does not occur as far south as Rio de Janeiro or even in a region close to this prominent stop in Gaudichaud’s travels (Vanzolini 1968a, b; Avila-Pires 1995; Ribeiro-Júnior & Amaral 2016: Fig. 92), and we therefore question whether Gaudichaud himself could have collected it (see above). However, in the first three volumes of their Erpétologie Générale, Duméril & Bibron (1834, 1835, 1836) cited a variety of herpetological collectors and donors as suppliers of specimens from South America and several Caribbean islands. Shipments from French Guiana, for example, are mentioned as having been sent by several named persons and, we think it is likely that MNHN 0 810 may have been sent to Rio de Janeiro in a similar shipment—some of which were shipped contemporaneously with Gaudichaud’s visits to South America. Based on the unpublished MNHN catalog for the period from 1832–1838, only two large South American collections were received, one from Gaudichaud and the other from the naturalist Alcide d’Orbigny (1802–1857), who detailed his collecting effort in the nine-volume compendium Voyage dans l’Amérique Méridionale (Orbigny 1835–44). Before 1832 there was no formal cataloging system in Paris and the earliest specimens accessioned into the herpetological collection are therefore untraceable. Nevertheless, with Gaudichaud listed as the collector, the most reasonable approach is to credit him for the delivery in which MNHN 0 810 arrived in Paris.


Published as part of Rösler, Herbert, Grismer, L. Lee, Ineich, Ivan & Kaiser, Hinrich, 2019, The purportedly Indo-Australian gecko species Cnemaspis timoriensis (Duméril & Bibron, 1836) is actually the first named species of the neotropical genus Gonatodes Fitzinger, 1843 (Squamata: Gekkonidae), pp. 483-509 in Zootaxa 4576 (3) on pages 499-500, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4576.3.4,


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  • Dumeril, A. M. C. & Bibron, G. (1836) Erpetologie Generale ou Histoire Naturelle Complete des Reptiles. Tome Troisieme. Contenant l'Histoire de Toutes les Especes des Quatre Premieres Familles de l'Ordre des Lezards ou Sauriens, Savoir: les Crocodiles, les Cameleons, les Geckos et les Varans. Librairie Encyclopedique de Roret, Paris, France, 517 pp.
  • Guichenot, A. (1855) Animaux Nouveaux ou Rares Recueillis Pendant l'Expedition dans les Parties Centrales de l'Amerique du Sud, de Rio de Janeiro Lima, et de Lima au Para; Executee par Ordre du Gouvernement Francais Pendant les Annees 1843 a 1847, sous la Direction du Comte Francis de Castelnau. Volume 2. Reptiles. P. Bertrand, Paris, France, 95 pp.
  • Castelnau, F. L. N. de (1850) Expedition dans les Parties Centrales de l'Amerique du Sud, de Rio de Janeiro Lima et de Lima au Para, executee par Ordre du Gouvernement Francais pendant les Annees 1843 a 1847 sous la Direction de Francis de Castelnau. Jean-Jacques Champin, Paris, France, 103 pp.
  • Dumeril, A. M. C. & Dumeril, A. H. A. (1851) Catalogue Methodique de la Collection des Reptiles. Gide et Baudry, Paris, France, 224 pp.
  • Peters, W. C. H. (1871) Uber eine von Hrn Dr. Robert Abendroth in dem Hochlande von Peru gemachte Sammlung von Amphibien, welche derselbe dem konigl. zoologischen Museum geschenkt hat. Monatsberichte der Koniglich Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, 1871 (August), 397 - 404.
  • Cope, E. D. (1864) [1863] Description of new American Squamata, in the Museum of the Smithsonian Institute, Washington. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 1863, 100 - 106.
  • Mertens, R. (1972) Herpetofauna tobagana. Stuttgarter Beitrage zur Naturkunde, Serie A, 252, 1 - 22.
  • Hoogmoed, M. S. (1973) Notes on the herpetofauna of Surinam. IV. The lizards and amphisbaenians of Surinam. Biogeographica, 4, 1 - 419.
  • Boos, H. E. A. (1984) The terrestrial reptiles of Monos Island. Living World, Journal of the Trinidad and Tobago Field Naturalists' Club, 1983 - 1984, 14 - 18.
  • Hoogmoed, M. S. & Avila-Pires, T. C. S. (1991) Annotated checklist of the herpetofauna of Petit Saut, Sinnamary River, French Guiana. Zoologische Mededelingen, 65, 53 - 88.
  • Avila-Pires, T. C. S. (1995) Lizards of Brazilian Amazonia (Reptilia: Squamata). Zoologische Verhandelingen, 299, 1 - 706.
  • Lehr, E. (2002) Amphibien und Reptilien in Peru. Natur und Tier-Verlag, Munster, Germany, 208 pp.
  • Cole, C. J. & Kok, P. J. R. (2006) A new species of gekkonid lizard (Sphaerodactylinae: Gonatodes) from Guyana, South America. American Museum Novitates, 3524, 1 - 13. https: // doi. org / 10.1206 / 0003 - 0082 (2006) 3524 [1: ANSOGL] 2.0. CO; 2
  • Bernarde, P. S., Machado, R. A. & Turci, L. C. B. (2011) Herpetofauna da area do Igarap Esperanca na Reserva Extrativista Riozinho da Liberdade, Acre, Brasil. Biota Neotropica, 11 (3), 117 - 144. https: // doi. org / 10.1590 / S 1676 - 06032011000300010
  • Cole, C. J., Townsend, C. R., Reynolds, R. P., MacCulloch, R. D. & Lathrop, A. (2013) Amphibians and reptiles of Guyana, South America: illustrated keys, annotated species accounts, and a biogeographic synopsis. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington, 125, 317 - 578.
  • Prudente, A. L. C., Magalhaes, F., Menks, A. & de Melo Sarmento, J. F. (2013) Checklist of lizards of the Juruti, state of Para, Brazil. Check List, 9, 42 - 50. https: // doi. org / 10.15560 / 9.1.42
  • Morato, S. A. A., Calixto, P. O., Mendes, L. R., Gomes, R., Galatti, U., Trein, F. L., Oliveira, F. S. & Ferreira, G. N. (2014) Guia Fotografico de Identificacao da Herpetofauna da Floresta Nacional de Sarac-Taquera, Estado do Par. STCP Engenharia de Projetos Ltda., Curitiba, Brazil, 213 pp.
  • Roberto, I. J., Pinto, T., Schlickmann, A. & Fraga, A. (2014) From Amazonia to the semi-arid: the unexpected record of Gonatodes humeralis (Squamata: Sphaerodactylidae) for the Caatinga Biome. Herpetology Notes, 7, 309 - 311.
  • Silva, M. B. da, Rocha, W. A. da & Nogueira-Paranhos, J. D. (2016) Checklist of reptiles of the Amazonia-Caatinga-Cerrado ecotonal zone in eastern Maranhao, Brazil. Herpetology Notes, 9, 7 - 14.
  • Senaris, J. C., Aristeguieta Padron, M. M., Rojas Gil, H. & Rojas-Runjaic, F. J. M. (2018) Guia Ilustrada de los Anfibios y Reptiles del Valle de Caracas, Venezuela. Ediciones IVIC, Caracas, Venezuela, 347 pp.
  • Vanzolini, P. E. (1968 a) Lagartos brasileiros da familia Gekkonidae (Sauria). Arquivos de Zoologia, Sao Paulo, 17 (1), 1 - 84. https: // doi. org / 10.11606 / issn. 2176 - 7793. v 17 i 1 p 1 - 84
  • Vanzolini, P. E. (1968 b) Geography of the South American Gekkonidae (Sauria). Arquivos de Zoologia, Sao Paulo, 17 (1), 85 - 112. https: // doi. org / 10.11606 / issn. 2176 - 7793. v 17 i 2 p 85 - 112
  • Ribeiro-Junior, M. & Amaral, S. (2016) Diversity, distribution, and conservation of lizards (Reptilia: Squamata) in the Brazilian Amazonia. Neotropical Biodiversity, 2 (1), 195 - 421. https: // doi. org / 10.1080 / 23766808.2016.1236769
  • Dumeril, A. M. C. & Bibron, G. (1834) Erpetologie Generale ou Histoire Naturelle Complete des Reptiles. Tome Premier. Contenant les Generalites de l'Histoire des Reptiles et Celles de l'Ordre des Cheloniens ou des Tortues. Librairie Encyclopedique de Roret, Paris, France, 447 pp.
  • Dumeril, A. M. C. & Bibron, G. (1835) Erpetologie Generale ou Histoire Naturelle Complete des Reptiles. Tome Second. Contenant l'Histoire de Toutes les Especes de l'Ordre des Tortues ou Cheloniens, et les Generalites de Celui des Lezards ou Sauriens. Librairie Encyclopedique de Roret, Paris, France, 680 pp.
  • Orbigny, A. d' (1835 - 1844) Voyage dans l'Amerique Meridionale (le Bresil, la Republique Orientale de l'Uruguay, la Republique Argentine, la Patagonie, la Republique du Chili, la Republique de Bolivie, la Republique du Perou), Execute Pendant les Annees 1826, 1827, 1828, 1829, 1830, 1831, 1832 et 1833. Librairie de la Societe Geologique de France, Paris, France.