Published December 23, 2019 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Gellergrimmellus fritzi Stuke 2019, spec. nov.


Gellergrimmellus fritzi spec. nov. 2A744921-9129-4B6C-A0E5-163E0AE6AC7D

(Figs 1−13)

Holotype ♀: (1) „ China; Sichuan; Old Creek / field station; 17.viii.2016; / 32.484°N, 104.72°E; 1370 m; / Hand collecting; CJ Borkent; / FFP16CH089“; (2) „Holotypus / Gellergrimmellus fritzi / spec. nov. ♂ / det. Stuke 2018 “. Holotype is deposited in the collection of the California Academy of Sciences, USA, San Francisco, (CAS). The holotype was initially kept in alcohol and dried afterwards. It is glued on a card-point and otherwise in good condition (Fig. 1).

1 ♂, 1paratypes: 1 ♂ same data as holotype; 1 ♀ same date as holotype but collected by M. Hauser and „FFP16CH088“. Paratypes are deposited in the collection of the author (Germany, Leer, PJHS).

Description of holotype (♀): Length 4.9 mm. Winglength 4.3 mm. Head-height 1.2 mm. Antenna black to dark brown, with first flagellomere orange-brown ventrally and pedicel indistinctly orange-brown apically (Fig. 3). Frons broader than long, slightly concave, not projecting above eyes, smooth, with only some long black hardly-visible setulae laterally (Fig. 4). Frons and lunule black. Frons subshining. Face and gena light yellow to white. Parafacial, gena and antennal groove obviously silver dusted. Facial ridges only slightly dusted. Postcranium black in dorsal 2/3, clearly separated white in ventral 1/3. Adjacent to posterior margin of eye there is only an indistinct strip of grey dusting, the remaining postcranium slightly dusted to shining. Postcranium with black setulae. No setulae on a small area adjacent to eye margin but with scattered setulae on bottom portion of postcranium. Proboscis brown basally and whitish apically (Fig. 3). Frontoclypeal membrane small, hardly widened basally, light yellow and easy to distinguish from the darker clypeus. Thorax black to brown, without distinct colour contrast. Thorax microtomentose all over, with an indistinct grey dusted band extending from middle coxa to notopleuron (Fig. 1). Scutellum with 1 long apical seta and 2−3 lateral setae. Scutum with short black setulae. 1 notopleural seta, no postalar seta recognised. Postalar callus with 3 long black setae and no long setulae. 2−3 black setae posterodorsally on katepisternum, no seta ventrally. Wing hyaline to slightly brownish, lacking any distinct markings. All veins dark brown. Wing completely covered with microtrichia. Upper and lower calypters yellowish white, upper calypter with long white setulae on margin. Haltere white with a light brown base. Legs light brown, with basal half of tibiae and basal fore and middle tarsi white. Legs not dusted, and all with short, adpressed black setulae. Hind and middle coxae with 2−3 strong lateral setae. Pulvilli brownish white. Claws brown with distinct black tips. Empodium whitish yellow, about as long as pulvilli. Abdomen light brown. Tergite 2 with characteristic yellow lateral spots apically (Fig. 5). Abdomen covered with black setulae which are longer and more obvious from hind margin of tergite 3 to tip of abdomen. Abdomen subshining to shining. Maximum width of abdomen is at segments 4−6. Length: maximum width of tergite 2 = 2.1; length: maximum width of tergite 3 = 1.1. Theca slightly shorter than height of abdomen at segment 5 in side view (Figs 7, 12). Anterior surface of theca lacking setulae. Posterior surface of theca with closeset, short, blunt pallisade groups of spicules, arranged in 9 close-set horizontal lines (Fig. 12). Sternite 5 anteriorly lacking an elongation. Sternite 6 almost completely covered with short, blunt spicules which are arranged in 6−7 horizontal lines (Fig. 11).

Female abdomen of holotype not macerated and therefore several characters could not be examined. Based on examination of a paratype, however, sternite 7 is slightly longer than broad, anteriorly rounded and with several scattered setae only at the posterior.

Description of ♂: abdomen subshining to shining. Sternite 4 longer than broad, minute and not clearly delimited from membrane, with 3 black setae. Epandrium not fused behind cerci but with a slightly sclerotised connection at both sides of the epandrium (Fig. 8). Posterior margin of epandrium with long black setulae but no projecting tooth (Fig. 8). Epandrium distinctly dented-in laterally. Distiphallus shorter than epandrium but distinct, with dense black setae distally. Distiphallus basally with almost equal large flattened lateral evaginations (Fig. 9: edp). Each of these evaginations has a plate-like sclerotisation.

Variability: There is a yellow brown marking beneath the vertex in the ♀ paratype. Thorax of the paratypes less dusted and therefore the dusting stripe from middle coxa to notopleuron is more distinct. Legs and abdomen dark brown in paratypes. ♂ paratype has black facial ridges.

Diagnosis: As described for the monotypic genus.

Etymology: The species epithet „fritzi“ is derived from the given name of Fritz Geller-Grimm.

Distribution: As described for the whole genus.


Published as part of Stuke, Jens-Hermann, 2019, Two new genera and two new species of Conopidae (Diptera) from China, pp. 301-317 in Contributions to Entomology 69 (2) on pages 307-308, DOI: 10.21248/contrib.entomol.69.2.301-317,


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Collection code
Event date
Scientific name authorship
Taxonomic status
sp. nov.
Taxon rank
Type status
holotype , paratype
Verbatim event date
Taxonomic concept label
Gellergrimmellus fritzi Stuke, 2019


  • STUKE, J. - H. 2018: Revisionary notes on Siniconops CHEN, 1939 (Diptera: Conopidae), together with a key to known species. - Oriental Insects 2018: 1 - 27.