Published August 31, 2019 | Version v1
Journal article Open


  • 1. National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
  • 2. Zhytomyr National Agroecological University


The object of research is the process of ensuring uniform distribution of fuel over the combustion surface of the combustion chamber of a solid fuel boiler operating on biomass. The uniform distribution of fuel over the combustion surface is one of the important levers for eliminating the phenomena of its chemical and mechanical under-conditioning, which increases the efficiency of boiler equipment. One of the problems of studying this issue is the lack of a sufficient theoretical base and practical experience in the process of chemical-thermal conversion of plant biomass to other types of energy.

An approach is proposed based on the hypothesis that it is possible to increase the efficiency of boiler equipment on plant biomass by establishing an intensive and high-quality combustion process, ensuring an even distribution of fuel on the combustion surface. And also to identify patterns and indicate methods for optimizing the structure of boiler equipment designs by adapting it to plant materials. The implementation of this approach is carried out by conducting a multivariate experiment. During the experiment, the dependence of the coefficient of uneven distribution of fuel along the combustion plane on the height of the loader nozzle, the angle of inclination of the loader control plate to the surface of the combustion mirror and mass fuel supply is determined.

As a result of the study, practical results are obtained, mathematical dependences of the coefficient of uneven distribution of fuel over the combustion surface on the indicated variable factors in the form of a second-order polynomial are presented.

The obtained research results will improve the efficiency of the process of heat production from low-grade solid fuels of vegetable origin in boiler plants, facilitate their wider use, and increase the environmental component of the process.

The research results are interesting both for manufacturers of boiler equipment based on vegetable raw materials and for its users who want to burn the biomass available on the farm to meet energy needs.


Research of the operation efficiency of vegetable biomass-operated solid fuel boiler.pdf

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