Published October 18, 2018 | Version v1
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Fig. 5 in The changing course of the Amazon River in the Neogene: center stage for Neotropical diversification


Fig. 5. Summary of hydrological connections among major sedimentary basins of northern South America through the Neogene. Caribbean-draining Andean foreland basins in orange. Atlantic-draining basins contributing to transcontinental Amazon in yellow. Other north Atlantic-draining basins in shades of green. South Atlantic-draining (La Plata) basins in blue. Connectivity as a block-design landscape evolution model at right preserving general spatial relationships. Red arrows depict predominant direction of sediment and water flow. Double-headed arrow indicates bidirectional connections during that time interval. Vicariance events when basins of the same color change to different colors between time intervals; geodispersal events when basins with different colors change to same color. Connections of basins in grey are poorly constrained by avai- lable data. Basin in white is entirely marine. "W. Amazon" refers to the combined Putumayo, Napo, Marañón and Ucayali sedimentary basins, "Llanos" to the combined Llanos, and Barinas/Apure basins, "Amazonas" to the combined Amazonas and Marajo basins, and "Essequibo" to the Proto-Berbice basin. Sedimentary basins with four letter abbreviations at left in top panel. Base-maps with modern coastlines and topography to facilitate orientation.


Published as part of Albert, James S., Val, Pedro & Hoorn, Carina, 2018, The changing course of the Amazon River in the Neogene: center stage for Neotropical diversification, pp. 1-24 in Neotropical Ichthyology 16 (3) on page 11, DOI: 10.1590/1982-0224-20180033,



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