Granulolabium Cossmann 1889
Genus Granulolabium Cossmann, 1889
TYPE SPECIES. — Cerithium plicatum Bruguière, 1792; by original designation. Early Miocene, France.
Granulolabium plicatum (Bruguière, 1792) (Fig. 4 B1-B3)
Cerithium plicatum Bruguière, 1792: 488. — Hörnes 1856: 400, pl. 42, fig. 6.
Granulolabium plicatum – Sacco 1895a, div. var.: 58, pl. 3, fig. 45. — Lozouet 1986: 171, fig. 2 a-d; 2001: 28, pl. 8., figs 1a-b, 2a-c, 3a c. — Harzhauser & Kowalke 2001: 27, pl. 8, figs 1-3. — Harzhauser 2002: 73, pl. 1, fig. 17-20; 2004: 120, pl. 5, figs 1-4. — İslamoğlu 2008: 266, fig. 6-P. — Esu & Girotti 2010: 159, pl. 5, figs 10-13. — Moths et al. 2010: 32, pl.10, fig. 6, pl. 34, fig. 8. — Lozouet & Maestrati 2012: 278, figs 180/4-6. — Cluzaud et al. 2014: 226, fig. 171I. — Kovács & Vicián 2016: 247, pl. 1, fig. 5.
Cerithium (Granulolabium) plicatum – Schaffer 1912, div. var.: 151, pl. 51, fig. 36-40.
Pirenella plicata – Cossmann & Peyrot 1921: 267, pl. 5, fig. 99-101, pl. 6, fig. 42-44. — Báldi 1973: 259, pl. 29, fig. 3.
MATERIAL EXAMINED. — Sample F1: AMPG (IV) 2072-2088 (17 specimens); sample F2: 2089-2138 (50 specimens); sample F3: AMPG (IV) 2139-2166 (28 specimens); sample F7: AMPG (IV) 2167-2226 (60 specimens); sampleF8: AMPG (IV) 2227-2236 (ten specimens); sample F10: AMPG (IV) 2237-2238 (two specimens).
DIMENSIONS. — Maximum height: 35.0 mm.
DISTRIBUTION. — Oligocene. NE Atlantic, Paratethys, North Sea Basin (Harzhauser 2004); Western Tethys-Proto-Mediterranean Sea: Greece, Turkey (Harzhauser 2004; İslamoğlu 2008).
Early Miocene. NE Atlantic (Lozouet et al. 2001); Proto-Mediterranean Sea: Greece, Turkey (Harzhauser 2004); Paratethys (Schaffer 1912; Mandic et al. 2004); North Sea Basin (Harzhauser 2002; Harzhauser 2004; Büyükmeriç 2017).
Granulolabium plicatum has been discussed in depth and compared to similar species by Lozouet (1986) in an effort to clarify the differences between various potamidid and batillariid species. In Lozouet et al. (2001), an extensive list of the French literature is presented with the many different names attributed to G. plicatum, thus noting the confusion of the authors due to the morphological variability of the species.
The specimens from Felli show some residual colouration patterns that consists of darker and lighter spiral lines that coincide with the ornamentation (the spiral threads are darker and give a brighter colour under UV light).
Granulolabium species are able to withstand variations in salinity and they are known to characterize lagoonal or littoral environments (Latal et al. 2006; Esu & Girotti 2010). In the Paratethys (Korneuburg Basin, Austria) the Granulolabium - Agapilia biofacies represents slightly energetic conditions of an outer tidal flat (Zuschin et al. 2014).
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Linked records
Additional details
- Collection code
- Family
- Batillariidae
- Genus
- Granulolabium
- Kingdom
- Animalia
- Order
- Neotaenioglossa
- Phylum
- Mollusca
- Scientific name authorship
- Cossmann
- Taxon rank
- genus
- Type status
- holotype
- Taxonomic concept label
- Granulolabium Cossmann, 1889 sec. Thivaiou, Harzhauser & Koskeridou, 2019
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- HORNES M. 1856. - Die fossilen Mollusken des Tertiar-Beckens von Wien. Abhandlungen der Kaiserlich-Koniglichen Geologischen Reichsanstalt 3: 461 - 736.
- SACCO F. 1895 a. - I molluschi dei terreni terziari del Piemonte e della Liguria, 17. (Cerithiidae, Triforidae, Cerithiopsidae e Diastomidae). Bollettino dei Musei di Zoologia ed Anatomia comparata della Reale Universita di Torino 10 (197): 71 - 74. https: // biodiversitylibrary. org / page / 12934950
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- MOTHS H., ALBRECHT F. & STEIN G. 2010. - Die Molluskenfauna (Hemmoorium, Untermiozan) aus der Kiesgrube Krinke bei Werder (Nordwest-Niedersachsen). Palaeofocus 3: 1 - 155.
- LOZOUET P. & MAESTRATI P. 2012. - Le contenu paleontologique. Mollusques, in LOZOUET P. (ed.) Stratotype Stampien. Museum national d'Histoire naturelle Paris, Biotope, Meze: 239 - 297 (Patrimoine geologique; 4).
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- SCHAFFER F. X. 1912. - Das Miocan von Eggenburg. Die Fauna der ersten Mediterranstufe des Wiener Beckens und die gologischen Verhaltnisse der Umgebung des Manhartsberges in Niederosterreich. Abhandlungen der Kaiserlich-Koniglichen Geologischen Reichsanstalt 22: 127 - 193. https: // biodiversitylibrary. org / page / 51319455
- COSSMANN M. & PEYROT A. 1921. - Conchologie neogenique de l'Aquitaine. Actes de la Societe linneenne de Bordeaux 73: 5 - 321. https: // biodiversitylibrary. org / page / 31662049
- BALDI T. 1973. - Mollusc Fauna of the Hungarian Upper Oligocene (Egerian); Studies in Stratigraphy, Palaeoecology, Palaeogeography and Systematics. Akademiai Kiado, Budapest, 511 p.
- HARZHAUSER M. 2004. - Oligocene gastropod faunas of the eastern Mediterranean (Mesohellenic Trough / Greece and Esfahan-Sirjan Basin / Central Iran). Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg 248: 93 - 181.
- LOZOUET P., LESPORT J. F. & RENARD P. 2001. - Revision des Gastropoda (Mollusca) du Stratotype de l'Aquitanien (Miocene Inf.): site de Saucats " Lariey ", Gironde, France. Cossmanniana h. s.: 1 - 189.
- MANDIC O., HARZHAUSER M., SCHLAF J., PILLER W. E., SCHUSTER F., WIELANDT- SCHUSTER U., NEBELSICK J. K., KROH A., ROGL F. & BASSANT P. 2004. - Palaeoenvironmental reconstruction of an epicontinental flooding - Burdigalian (Early Miocene) of the Mut Basin (Southern Turkey). Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg 248: 57 - 92.
- BUYUKMERIC Y. 2017. - Molluscan biostratigraphy of early Miocene deposits of the Kale-Tavas and Acipayam basins (Denizli, SW Turkey). Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 155: 49 - 73. https: // doi. org / 10.19111 / bulletinofmre. 305166
- LATAL C., PILLER W. E. & HARZHAUSER M. 2006. - Small-scaled environmental changes: indications from stable isotopes of gastropods (Early Miocene, Korneuburg Basin, Austria). International Journal of Earth Sciences 95: 95 - 106. https: // doi. org / 10.1007 / s 00531 - 005 - 0510 - 3
- ZUSCHIN M., HARZHAUSER M., HENGST B., MANDIC O. & ROTZEL R. 2014. - Long-term ecosystem stability in an Early Miocene estuary. Geology 42 (1): 7 - 10. https: // doi. org / 10.1130 / G 34761.1