Published March 5, 2020 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Leodice jimedwardsi Zanol & Hutchings & Fauchald 2020, new species


Leodice jimedwardsi new species

(Figs 12, 13)

Material examined. Lord Howe Island. Balls Pyramid, 31°46’S, 159°16’E, 91–183 m, coll. J. Maclntyre, 22 Nov 1960, AM W.22381 (HOLOTYPE), parapodia 3, 17, 85 removed for SEM (AM W.22381.001), AM W.197077 (3 PARATYPES).

Description. Holotype incomplete with 88 chaetigers. Total length 55 mm, length through chaetiger 10 7 mm; maximum width 2 mm at chaetiger 10.

Prostomium distinctly narrower than peristomium, anteriorly steep truncate, dorsally flattened and slightly depressed medially; sulcus deep, relatively narrow (Fig. 12C, D). Eyes present lateral and slightly posterior to lateral antennae. Antennae similar in length, reaching about chaetiger 4. All three antennae with ring-shaped ceratophores and long, distinctly articulated styles; with up to eight or nine articulations. Palps located distinctly anterior and slightly lateral to lateral antennae; not extending beyond peristomium. Palpophores distinctly elevated; palpostyle with six or seven articulations; articulations cylindrical, becoming slightly drop-shaped distally. Peristomium cylindrical with distinct, inflated lateroventral lips. Anterior ring 5/6 of total peristomial length; separation distinct dorsally and ventrally. Peristomial cirri slightly inflated basally; one with three, other with five articulations. Peristomial cirri reaching posterior edge of prostomium.

Maxillary formula (examined in largest paratype) 1+1, 4+5, 6+0, 4+7, 1+1 (Fig. 13A). MxVI absent. MxIII part of distal arc with left MxIV and MxV. Flat mandible with cutting plates wider than long (Fig. 13B).

Branchiae present from chaetiger 5 to 43; first three and last fifteen pairs single filaments; maximum number of filaments two (Fig. 12G, H). All branchiae distinctly shorter than notopodial cirri; each filament slightly flattened and widest medially.

Anterior parapodia with rounded rather wide, distally truncate chaetal lobes (Fig. 12A, G); chaetal lobes truncate through middle of body; becoming increasingly asymmetrical with high end dorsally in posterior chaetigers (in largest paratype; Fig. 12H, K). Prechaetal lobes low transverse folds in all chaetigers. Postchaetal lobes transverse folds in anterior and median chaetigers; free, rounded structures in posterior chaetigers (in largest paratype). Anterior and posterior ventral cirri tapering; inflated bases limited to about 20 chaetigers from chaetiger 10. Inflated bases ovate; distal free tips long, digitiform (Fig. 12G). Notopodial cirri digitiform, slender in all chaetigers; first six or seven articulated; all other notopodial cirri without articulations.

Slender limbate chaetae present in all chaetigers. Pectinate chaetae flaring and flat in all chaetigers (Figs 12F, I; 13E). One marginal tooth longer than other teeth; twelve to fifteen teeth present. Shafts of compound falciger chaetae slightly inflated, more distinct anteriorly than posteriorly; marginally serrated in all chaetigers (Figs 12B, E, J, M; 13C). Appendages bidentate, tapering, with gently curved distal tooth and triangular, laterally directed proximal tooth. Proximal tooth very short in anterior and median chaetigers; becoming larger and similar to distal tooth in posterior chaetigers; guards distally bluntly pointed, marginally serrated. Aciculae and subacicular hooks with distinct dark brown cores and clear sheaths. Aciculae tapering to straight, relatively blunt tips; paired in anterior and median chaetigers; single in posterior chaetigers. Subacicular hooks present from chaetiger 22, always single. Hooks slender, tapering with short, erect distal tooth and larger, triangular proximal tooth (Figs 12L; 13D).

Type locality. Lord Howe Island, Balls Pyramid, 31°46’S, 159°16’E, 91– 183 m.

Etymology. The species is named in honor of Dr. James L. Edwards, a guiding spirit in the study of systematics and a leader of the Global Biodiversity Information Facility, an international organization making cooperation among biologists studying diversity much smoother and easier than it has ever been in the past.

Variation. Two paratypes complete with 75 and 76 mm length and, respectively, 124 and 120 chaetigers. One incomplete specimen with 36 mm length and 70 chaetigers. Among the paratypes branchiae are present from chaetiger 4–7 to chaetigers 25, 45 and 63. In some specimens branchiae are missing on several chaetigers within the branchiated chaetigers. All specimens bear many chaetigers in the post-branchial region. The branchial shape is similar in all taxa. Subacicular hooks first present from chaetigers 15 to 25 in paratypes, first occurrence more anterior in smaller specimens. End of inflated base of ventral cirri around chaetiger 20 in paratypes, which appear a little dry making the observation of precise end difficult.

Remarks. Leodice jimedwardsi n. sp. shares with L. thomasiana (Augener, 1922b) dark bidentate subacicular hooks; branchiae restricted to 55% of the body with maximum of few filaments (2 and 3, respectively) and shorter than notopodial cirri; and long, tapering ceratostyles with at least distal articulations more or less drop-shaped. However, in L. thomasiana, inflated bases of the ventral cirri are thick, transverse welts with short, tapering free tips. In L. jimedwardsi n. sp. the inflated bases of the ventral cirri are small and ovate with digitiform distal tips.


Published as part of Zanol, Joana, Hutchings, Pat A. & Fauchald, Kristian, 2020, Eunice sensu latu (Annelida: Eunicidae) from Australia: description of seven new species and comments on previously reported species of the genera Eunice, Leodice and Nicidion, pp. 1-43 in Zootaxa 4748 (1) on pages 32-34, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4748.1.1,


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Collection code
Event date
Material sample ID
AM W.22381, AM W.22381.001
Scientific name authorship
Zanol & Hutchings & Fauchald
Taxonomic status
sp. nov.
Taxon rank
Type status
holotype , paratype
Verbatim event date
Taxonomic concept label
Leodice jimedwardsi Zanol, Hutchings & Fauchald, 2020


  • Augener, H. (1922 b) Uber litorale polychaten von Westindien. Sitzungsberichte der Gesellschaft der naturforschende Freunde zur Berlin, 3 - 5, 38 - 53.