Published September 23, 2019 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Eryon cuvieri Desmarest 1817


Eryon cuvieri Desmarest, 1817

(Fig. 9)

STUDIED MATERIAL. — Charbonnier & Garassino (2012) listed 16 specimens including the lectotype (Appendix 1).


Three of the specimens figured are in ventral view (Fig. 9 C-G), allowing the observation of nicely preserved details such as the mandibles exhibiting sharp triangular teeth of uneven size (specimen MNHN.F.GG2004/8220; Fig. 9D, E). Indeed, the preservation is usually excellent: the antennae, antennules and eyestalks of the specimens MNHN.F. A33545 and GG2004/8218 are clearly visible and they exhibit between eight and ten pereiopods. The dorsally preserved specimen MNHN.F.B13439 (Fig.9H) is also well-preserved and evidences delicate details on the carapace (branchiocardiac, postcervical and cervical grooves), telson (ponctuations and carinae).The other specimen (A33501; Fig. 9B) present some calcite bundles on the left chela.

FIG. 8. —

Mecochirus longimanatus (Schlotheim, 1820)

:A,B, specimen MNHN.F. A33537;A, specimen in natural light;B, specimen in UV light;C, specimen MNHN.F.B13457;D -F, specimen MNHN.F.A70929;D, general view in UV light;E, view of the carapace in natural light;F, line drawing of the carapace;G,H, specimen MNHN.F. A33539;G, specimen in natural light;H, specimen in UV light. Abbreviations:ac, antennal carina;e1e, cervical groove;gc, gastro-orbital carina;oc, orbital carina. Scale bars: 1 cm. Photographs: L. Cazes. Line drawing: G.P. Odin. FIG. 9. —A,

Cycleryon propinquus (Schlotheim,1822)

:specimen MNHN.F.B13436 from Solnhofen;B -H,Eryon cuvieriDesmarest,1817:B, specimen MNHN.F. A33501 from Solnhofen;C, specimen MNHN.GG.2004/8218 from Solnhofen area;this specimen was referred to as coming from Pappenheim;since there are no Solnhofen Lithographic Limestones there, while many traders lived there, this specimen was probably purchased in Pappenheim;D,E, specimen MNHN.GG.2004/8220 from Solnhofen, natural light (D) and UV light (E);F,G, specimen MNHN.F. A33545 from Solnhofen, natural light (F) and UV light (G);H, specimen MNHN.F.B13439 from unknown locality. Scale bars: A, C, F, H, 2 cm; B, D, E, F, 1 cm. Photographs: L. Cazes.

Superorder PERACARIDA Calman, 1904 Order MYSIDACEA Boas, 1883 Suborder and Family uncertain


Published as part of Odin, Giliane P., Charbonnier, Sylvain, Devillez, Julien & Schweigert, Günter, 2019, On unreported historical specimens of marine arthropods from the Solnhofen and Nusplingen Lithographic Limestones (Late Jurassic, Germany) housed at the Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris, pp. 643-662 in Geodiversitas 41 (17) on pages 654-658, DOI: 10.5252/geodiversitas2019v41a17,


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Eryon cuvieri Desmarest, 1817 sec. Odin, Charbonnier, Devillez & Schweigert, 2019


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