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Published February 28, 2020 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

EOSC-Life Final report of analysis of the training needs of different EOSC-Life users


This deliverable reports on the outcome of Task 9.1 ”Analysis of the training needs of different EOSC-Life users”. An online survey was developed to get structured feedback on the training landscape from the Biological and Medical ESFRI research infrastructures (BMS RIs). One of the aims was to identify gaps in existing training offers and developing a plan on how to address these gaps. 35 responses were received, from 13 research infrastructures (RIs). All 13 RIs provide training as part of their activities, which is a great starting point for the EOSC-Life training strategy.

The training needs with respect to EOSC-Life topics were analysed, which RI(s) expressed interest in the training topic, which RI(s) already provide training and which RI(s) are interested in providing training in the future. The survey results underline that the 12 pre-selected topics in the grant proposal cover the EOSC-Life training needs extremely well. However, the survey also highlighted that there is a need for outreach and awareness raising about EOSC in general, and EOSC-Life specifically, to RI staff within and outside of the project. In addition training needs were collected from the other EOSC-Life WPs and discussed during the project retreat in October. As a next step, we will facilitate that training in high demand areas will be expanded, e.g. by facilitating exchange of experience between RIs that expressed interest in providing training in a given topic with those already providing this training. In addition, as response to a high demand of introductory training on EOSC-Life and the clear need for EOSC-related outreach, a Translator group was initiated.


EOSC-Life_D9.1_Final report of analysis of the training needs_February 2020.pdf

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EOSC-Life – Providing an open collaborative space for digital biology in Europe 824087
European Commission