Published February 25, 2020 | Version v1
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Experimental study of the influence of pulse electrophoresis of blood plasma 0 (I) on healing of wounds and formation of normotrophic scars in laboratory animals


Terekhov G. V., Chuhraeva E. H., Kostylev M. V., Galich S. P., Savitskaya I. M., Zukow W., Kamalov R. Kh., Knyazeva I. A. Experimental study of the influence of pulse electrophoresis of blood plasma 0 (I) on healing of wounds and formation of normotrophic scars in laboratory animals. Pedagogy and Psychology of Sport. 2020;6(1):41-54. elSSN 2450-6605. DOI






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Received: 25.01.2020. Revised: 25.01.2020. Accepted: 25.02.2020.









Experimental study of the influence of pulse electrophoresis of blood plasma 0 (I) on healing of wounds and formation of normotrophic scars in laboratory animals


Terekhov G. V.Chuhraeva E. H., Kostylev M. V., Galich S. P.Savitskaya I. M., Zukow W.Kamalov R. Kh., Knyazeva I. A.



1. DU "A.A. Shalimov National Institute of Surgery and Transplantology "NAMS of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine

2. National Medical Academy after graduate education named after P.L. Shupik, Kiev, Ukraine

3. Nicolaus Copernicus University, Torun, Poland

4. LLC "NMC MEDINTECH", Kiev, Ukraine




In experimental study confirmed the acceleration of wound healing and forming normotrophic scars tissue in laboratory animals using the transdermal administration of blood plasma 0 (I) by pulsed electrophoresis under the influence of an external magnetic field. It was established that the method proposed by the authors prevents the development of hypertrophic and keloid scars, and also stimulates tissue regeneration in the surgical area due to the activation of local regeneration processes.



Key words: blood autoplasm electrophoresis (EFAK), external magnetic field, fibroblasts, cell growth factors.



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