Published October 25, 2019 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Canthon (Canthon) mutabilis Lucas 1859


Canthon (Canthon) mutabilis Lucas, 1859

Canthon mutabile Lucas 1859: 100 (Peru)

Distribution. Suriname: Larsen 2011: 99. French Guiana: A. Schmidt 1922a: 77; Balthasar 1939e: 214; Blackwelder 1944: 200 (as C. mutabile). Brazil: A. Schmidt 1922a: 77; Balthasar 1939e: 214; Blackwelder 1944: 200 (as C. mutabile); Vaz-de-Mello 2000: 191. Venezuela: A. Schmidt 1922a: 77; Balthasar 1939e: 214; Blackwelder 1944: 200 (as C. mutabile); Ferrer-Paris et al. 2013: 108. Other: Lucas 1859: 100 (Peru); Gillet 1911b: 31 (Argentina, Colombia, Panama); A. Schmidt 1922a: 77 (Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Panama, Paraguay, Peru); Balthasar 1939e: 214 (Colombia, Paraguay, Peru), 1941c: 343 (Peru, Central America, northern South America); Blackwelder 1944: 200 (Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Panama, Paraguay, Peru - as C. mutabile); Vulcano and Pereira 1964: 620 (Panama and South America except Chile); Medina et al. 2001: 136 (Colombia); Noriega et al. 2007: 82 (Colombia).


Published as part of Hielkema, Auke J. & Hielkema, Meindert A., 2019, An annotated checklist of the Scarabaeoidea (Insecta: Coleoptera) of the Guianas, pp. 1-306 in Insecta Mundi 732 (732) on page 62, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3678492


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Canthon (Canthon) mutabilis Lucas, 1859 sec. Hielkema & Hielkema, 2019


  • Lucas, P. H. 1859 (1857). Entomologie. p. 1 - 204. In: Animaux nouveaux ou rares recueillis pendant l'expedition dans les parties centrales de l'Amerique du Sud, de Rio de Janeiro a Lima, et de Lima au Para; executee par ordre du Gouvernement francais pendant les annees 1843 a 1847, sous la direction du Comte Francis de Castelnau. P. Bertrand; Paris. 204 p. [Note. Bousquet (2016: 351) gives a short discussion of the possible dates of publication].
  • Larsen, T. H. 2011. Dung beetles of the Kwamalasamutu region, Suriname (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae). p. 91 - 103. In: B. J. O'Shea, L. E. Alonso, and T. H. Larsen (eds.). A rapid biological assessment of the Kwamalasamutu region, southwestern Suriname. RAP Bulletin of Biological Assessment 63. Conservation International; Arlington, VA, U. S. A. 156 p. [Note 1. Pages 94, 96, 98, 100, 102 in this publication are all numbered 92]. [Note 2. This publication contains data from original research as well as the copied and corrected data from earlier research first published in Larsen (2007)].
  • Schmidt, A. 1922 a. 1. Bestimmungstabelle der mir bekannten Canthon - Arten. 2. Verbreitungsgebiete der Canthon - Arten. 3. Neubeschreibungen von Canthon, Saprositis [sic], Mendidius, Euparia und Ataenius. Archiv fur Naturgeschichte (A) 88 (3): 61 - 103.
  • Balthasar, V. 1939 e. Eine Vorstudie zur Monographie der Gattung Canthon Hffsg. (10. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Scarabaeiden der neotropischen Region.). Folia Zoologica et Hydrobiologica 9 (2): 179 - 238.
  • Blackwelder, R. E. 1944. Checklist of the coleopterous insects of Mexico, Central America, the West Indies, and South America. Part 2. United States National Museum Bulletin 185 (2): 189 - 341.
  • Vaz-de-Mello, F. Z. 2000. Estado atual de conhecimento dos Scarabaeidae s. str. (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea) do Brasil. p. 183 - 195. In: F. Martin-Piera, J. J. Morrone, and A. Melic (eds.). Hacia un proyecto CYTED para el inventario y estimacion de la diversidad entomologica en Iberoamerica: PrIBES 2000. Monografias Tercer Milenio; Zaragoza, Spain. 326 p.
  • Ferrer-Paris, J. R., A. Sanchez-Mercado, and J. P. Rodriguez. 2013. Optimizacion del muestreo de invertebrados tropicales: Un ejemplo con escarabajos coprofagos (Coleoptera: Scarabaeinae) en Venezuela. Revista de Biologia Tropical 61 (1): 89 - 110.
  • Gillet, J. J. E. 1911 b. Scarabaeidae: Coprinae I. p. 3 - 100. In: S. Schenkling. Coleopterorum Catalogus Pars 38. W. Junk; Berlin. 100 p.
  • Vulcano, M. A., and F. S. Pereira. 1964. Catalogue of the Canthonini (Col. Scarab.) inhabiting the Western Hemisphere. Entomologische Arbeiten aus dem Museum G. Frey 15 (2): 570 - 685.
  • Medina, C. A., A. Lopera-Toro, A. Vitolo, and B. D. Gill. 2001. Escarabajos coprofagos (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) de Colombia. Biota Colombiana 2 (2): 131 - 144.
  • Noriega, J. A., C. Solis, F. Escobar, and E. Realpe. 2007. Escarabajos coprofagos (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) de la provincia de la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. Biota Colombiana 8 (1): 77 - 86.