Published October 25, 2019 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Dendropaemon (Rutilopaemon) refulgens Waterhouse 1891


Dendropaemon (Rutilopaemon) refulgens Waterhouse, 1891

Dendropemon refulgens Waterhouse 1891b: 56 (French Guiana)

Distribution. French Guiana: Waterhouse 1891b: 56 (as Dendropemon refulgens); Olsoufieff 1924: 125; Blut 1939: 271; Brûlé et al. 2014: 183; Génier and Arnaud 2016: 66; Boilly et al. 2016: 94. “Guianas”: Gillet 1911b: 88 (as Dendropemon refulgens); Blackwelder 1944: 211 (as Dendropemon refulgens). Brazil: Olsoufieff 1924: 125; Vaz-de-Mello 2000: 192 (as Dendropaenon [sic] (Coprophanaeoides) refulgens refulgens). Venezuela (EO): Martínez and Clavijo 1990: 154 (EO). Other: Medina et al. 2001: 140 (Colombia).

Note. According to Génier and Arnaud (2016: 52), the specimen of Dendropaemon refulgens mentioned for Venezuela in Martínez and Clavijo (1990: 154) was actually a new species that they described as D. (Glaphyropaemon) inemarginatus. Concerning the true D. refulgens, Génier and Arnaud (2016) only studied the holotype and thus restrict its known range to the type locality French Guiana. They do not discuss the records of this species for Brazil in Olsoufieff (1924: 125) and Vaz-de-Mello (2000: 192), nor the record for Colombia in Medina et al. (2001: 140). We regard the occurrence of this species in Brazil and Colombia as in need of confirmation. Pending future results, it seems unwise to fully exclude the option that the species might occur in Venezuela, as this country is situated between French Guiana and Colombia.

Subgenus STREBLOPAEMON Génier and Arnaud, 2016

Dendropaemon (Streblopaemon) Génier and Arnaud 2016: 68


Published as part of Hielkema, Auke J. & Hielkema, Meindert A., 2019, An annotated checklist of the Scarabaeoidea (Insecta: Coleoptera) of the Guianas, pp. 1-306 in Insecta Mundi 732 (732) on page 100, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3678492


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  • Waterhouse, C. O. 1891 a. New Scarabaeidae in the British Museum: a fourth contribution. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, including Zoology, Botany, and Geology 6 (7) (40): 348 - 363.
  • Waterhouse, C. O. 1891 b. New Scarabaeidae in the British Museum: a fifth contribution. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, including Zoology, Botany, and Geology 6 (8) (43): 53 - 61.
  • Olsoufieff, G. d'. 1924. Les phanaeides (Coleoptera-Lamellicornia). Famille Scarabaeidae - Tr. Coprini. Insecta 13: 4 - 172.
  • Blut, H. 1939. Beitrag zur Verbreitung und Systematik der Gattung Dendropaemon. Archiv fur Naturgeschichte (N. F.) 8 (2): 263 - 300.
  • Brule, S., J. Touroult, E. Poirier, and P. - H. Dalens. 2014. Resultats de l'etude-inventaire entomologique du site de la Montagne Pelee, Saul (Guyane), 2010 - 2012. Rapport de la Societe entomologique Antilles-Guyane. SEAG, PAG. 144 p. + annexes.
  • Genier, F., and P. Arnaud. 2016. Dendropaemon Perty, 1830: taxonomy, systematics and phylogeny of the morphologically most derived phanaeine genus (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae, Scarabaeinae, Phanaeini). Zootaxa 4099 (1): 1 - 125.
  • Boilly, O., J. Lapeze, P. - H. Dalens, J. - L. Giuglaris, and J. Touroult. 2016. Les Phanaeini de Guyane: liste commentee, cles et iconographie (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae). Contribution a l'etude des coleopteres de Guyane 10: 86 - 97. [Supplement au Bulletin de liaison d'ACOREP-France " Le Coleopteriste "].
  • Gillet, J. J. E. 1911 b. Scarabaeidae: Coprinae I. p. 3 - 100. In: S. Schenkling. Coleopterorum Catalogus Pars 38. W. Junk; Berlin. 100 p.
  • Blackwelder, R. E. 1944. Checklist of the coleopterous insects of Mexico, Central America, the West Indies, and South America. Part 2. United States National Museum Bulletin 185 (2): 189 - 341.
  • Vaz-de-Mello, F. Z. 2000. Estado atual de conhecimento dos Scarabaeidae s. str. (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea) do Brasil. p. 183 - 195. In: F. Martin-Piera, J. J. Morrone, and A. Melic (eds.). Hacia un proyecto CYTED para el inventario y estimacion de la diversidad entomologica en Iberoamerica: PrIBES 2000. Monografias Tercer Milenio; Zaragoza, Spain. 326 p.
  • Martinez, A., and J. Clavijo. 1990. Notas sobre Phanaeina venezolanos, con descripcion de una nueva subespecie de Diabroctis (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Coprini). Boletin de Entomologia Venezolana (N. S.) 5 (20): 147 - 157.
  • Medina, C. A., A. Lopera-Toro, A. Vitolo, and B. D. Gill. 2001. Escarabajos coprofagos (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) de Colombia. Biota Colombiana 2 (2): 131 - 144.