Published October 25, 2019 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Lagochile brunnipes


Lagochile brunnipes (Olivier, 1789)

Cetonia brunnipes Olivier 1789: 77

Note. Two presently recognized subspecies of Lagochile brunnipes have been described, both of which occur in the research area.

Subspecies Lagochile brunnipes brunnipes (Olivier, 1789)

Cetonia brunnipes Olivier 1789: 77 (none)

= Chasmodia marginicollis Laporte 1840: 118 (French Guiana)

Distribution. Suriname: MHCN - NEW COUNTRY RECORD (Suriname, Brokopondo, Bergendal Resort, (5°09′00″N, 55°04′15″W). 1/ 10-II-2014. A. J. Hielkema. Flying at light.); NZCS. French Guiana: Laporte 1840: 118 (as Chasmodia marginicollis); Ohaus 1934: 161; Blackwelder 1944: 242; Machatschke 1972: 80; Soula 2005: 342, 2010a: 58 (as L. brunnipes [s. l.]); Brûlé and Touroult 2013: 40 (as L. brunnipes [s. l.]). Other: Olivier 1789: 77 (none - as Cetonia brunnipes); Soula 2009: 18 (none - picture).

Subspecies Lagochile brunnipes guyanaensis Soula, 2005

Lagochile brunnipes guyanaensis Soula 2005: 344 (Guyana)

Distribution. Guyana: Soula 2005: 344. Other: Soula 2009: 18 (none - picture).


Published as part of Hielkema, Auke J. & Hielkema, Meindert A., 2019, An annotated checklist of the Scarabaeoidea (Insecta: Coleoptera) of the Guianas, pp. 1-306 in Insecta Mundi 732 (732) on page 137, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3678492


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Lagochile brunnipes (Olivier, 1789) sec. Hielkema & Hielkema, 2019


  • Olivier, G. A. 1789. Entomologie, ou histoire naturelle des insectes, avec leurs caracteres generiques et specifiques, leur description, leur synonymie, et leur figure enluminee. Coleopteres. Tome premier. Baudouin; Paris. [Note. Each genus is separately paginated].
  • Laporte de Castelnau, F. L. 1840. Histoire naturelle des insectes coleopteres. Tome deuxieme. p. 1 - 563. In: C. E. Blanchard, F. L. Laporte de Castelnau, and P. H. Lucas. Histoire naturelle des animaux articules, annalides, crustaces, arachnides, myriapodes et insectes. P. Dumenil; Paris. 564 p.
  • Ohaus, F. 1934. Coleoptera Lamellicornia, Fam. Scarabaeidae, Subfam. Rutelinae. Erster Teil. p. 1 - 172. In: P. Wytsman. Genera Insectorum 199 A. Louis Desmet-Verteneuil; Brussels. 172 p.
  • Blackwelder, R. E. 1944. Checklist of the coleopterous insects of Mexico, Central America, the West Indies, and South America. Part 2. United States National Museum Bulletin 185 (2): 189 - 341.
  • Machatschke, J. W. 1972. Scarabaeoidea, Melolonthidae, Rutelinae. p. 1 - 361. In: S. Schenkling. Coleopterorum Catalogus Supplementa Pars 66 (1). W. Junk; The Hague, Netherlands. 361 p.
  • Soula, M. 2005. Rutelini 2, Revision des Anticheirina 3. Les Coleopteres du Monde 26 - 3: 297 - 409.
  • Soula, M. 2010 a. Les Rutelinae: presentation des tribus et genres de Guyane (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae). Contribution a l'etude des Coleopteres de Guyane 2: 50 - 61. [Supplement au Bulletin de liaison d'ACOREP-France " Le Coleopteriste "].
  • Brule, S., and J. Touroult. 2013. Resultats statistiques de l'etude-inventaire entomologique du site de l'antenne dans la Reserve du Mont Grand Matoury (Guyane), 2012 - 2013. Rapport de la Societe entomologique Antilles-Guyane, SEAG, ONF. 35 p. + annexes.
  • Soula, M. 2009. Rutelini 3. Revision des " Pelidnotina 3 ". Une revision des genres Pelidnota, Ectinoplectron, Pseudogeniates, Xenopelidnota (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Rutelinae: Rutelini: " Pelidnotina "). Les Coleopteres du Nouveau Monde. Volume 3. Besoiro Supplement 3: 1 - 137.