Published October 25, 2019 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Gibboryctes waldenfelsi


Gibboryctes waldenfelsi (Endrödi, 1977)

Strategus waldenfelsi Endrödi 1977a: 335 (Colombia)

= Gibboryctes porioni Dechambre 1981: 124 (French Guiana)

Distribution. Guyana: Dechambre 1981: 124 (as G. porioni). French Guiana: Dechambre 1981: 124 (as G. porioni); Duranton 2011: 21 (as Gybboryctes [sic] waldenfelsi); Gasca-Álvarez and Ratcliffe 2011: 25; Ponchel 2011: 61; Dupuis 2016b: 110. “Guianas”: Ratcliffe 2003: 304; Gasca-Álvarez et al. 2008: 16. Brazil (NA): Ratcliffe and Dechambre 1983: 268 (NA); Ratcliffe 2003: 304; Gasca-Álvarez et al. 2008: 16 (NA); Gasca-Álvarez and Ratcliffe 2011: 25. Other: Endrödi 1977a: 335 (Colombia - as

Strategus waldenfelsi), 1985a: 602 (Colombia - as Strategus waldenfelsi); Ratcliffe and Dechambre 1983: 268 (Panama, Peru); Ratcliffe 2003: 304 (”Guianas”/ Brazil /Peru–Panama); Gasca-Álvarez et al. 2008: 16 (”Guianas”/ Brazil /Peru–Panama); Gasca-Álvarez and Ratcliffe 2011: 25 (Colombia, Panama, Peru).


Published as part of Hielkema, Auke J. & Hielkema, Meindert A., 2019, An annotated checklist of the Scarabaeoidea (Insecta: Coleoptera) of the Guianas, pp. 1-306 in Insecta Mundi 732 (732) on pages 199-200, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3678492


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Gibboryctes waldenfelsi (Endrodi, 1977) sec. Hielkema & Hielkema, 2019


  • Endrodi, S. 1977 a. Strategus waldenfelsi sp. n. (Coleoptera, Dynastinae). Reichenbachia 16 (36): 335 - 336.
  • Dechambre, R. - P. 1981. Nouvelles especes de Dynastidae de la region neotropicale [Coleoptera Scarabaeoidea]. Revue francaise d'Entomologie (N. S.) 3 (4): 123 - 128.
  • Duranton, M. 2011. Chorologie et ecologie des dynastides de Guyane francaise. Coleopteres, numero special 1: 1 - 31.
  • Gasca-Alvarez, H. J., and B. C. Ratcliffe. 2011. An annoted checklist of the oryctine rhinoceros beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae: Oryctini) of the Neotropical and Nearctic realms. Zootaxa 3090: 21 - 40.
  • Ponchel, Y. 2011. Liste actualisee des Dynastinae de Guyane (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae). Contribution a l'etude des Coleopteres de Guyane 4: 60 - 61. [Supplement au Bulletin de liaison d'ACOREP-France " Le Coleopteriste "].
  • Dupuis, F. 2016 b. Contribution a la connaissance des Dynastidae de Guyane. Modifications nomen- claturales, signalements nouveaux et actualisation de la liste des especes. Contribution a l'etude des coleopteres de Guyane 10: 101 - 111. [Supplement au Bulletin de liaison d'ACOREP-France " Le Coleopteriste "].
  • Ratcliffe, B. C. 2003. The dynastine scarab beetles of Costa Rica and Panama (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae). Bulletin of the University of Nebraska State Museum 16: 1 - 506.
  • Gasca-Alvarez, H. J., and N. O. Aguiar. 2008. Primer registro de Amblyodus taurus Westwood, 1878 (Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae: Phileurini) en Brasil. Acta Zoologica Mexicana (N. S.) 24 (3): 221 - 224.
  • Ratcliffe, B. C., and R. - P. Dechambre. 1983. New combinations, synonymy and distribution records for Neotropical Pentodontini and Oryctini (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae). The Coleopterists Bulletin 37 (3): 267 - 272.