Mitrapsylla gloriae Burckhardt & Queiroz 2020, sp. nov.
Mitrapsylla gloriae sp. nov.
(Figs 6, 14, 21, 106, 116, 125, 131, 148–150, 162, 167, 173, 223, 224)
LSID: 61F85452-ECF0-4BA1-B167-E9EC47EC9976
Material examined. Holotype ♂, Brazil: MG, Vargem Bonita, Parque Nacional da Serra da Canastra, Cachoeira Casca d’Anta, around park entrance, -24.8541/8573 -48.6982/7121, 850– 860 m, 4–8.ix.2014, Copaifera langsdorffii, transition from riparian to cerrado vegetation (D. Burckhardt & D.L. Queiroz) #141(4) (MZSP, dry mounted).
Paratypes. Brazil: DF: 1 ♂, Brasilia, 26.ix.1991, at light (V. E. Eastop) (BMNH, dry mounted); 1 ♂, Distrito Federal, BR 040 km 1, -15.9857 -47.9871, 1220 m, 14.ii.2018, cerrado (D. Burckhardt & D.L. Queiroz) #264(-) (NHMB, in 70% ethanol).— GO: 1 ♂, Alto Paraíso do Goiás, near São Jorge, Parque Nacional da Chapada dos Veadeiros, park headquartes, -14.1747 -47.8240, 970 m, 17.ii.2018, cerrado vegetation, planted trees (D. Burckhardt & D.L. Queiroz) #268(-) (NHMB, in 70% ethanol); 7 ♂, 8 ♀, 1 immature, same but -14.1783 -47.8097, 1010 m, 17–18.ii.2018, Copaifera marginata, forest edge, planted trees (D. Burckhardt & D.L. Queiroz) #269(1) (NHMB, dry mounted, in 70% ethanol); 1 ♂, 1 ♀, Mossâmedes, Parque Estadual da Serra Dourada, Reserva Biológica da Universidade Federal de Goiás, -16.0723 -50.1841, 1000 m, 19.ii.2018, Copaifera langsdorffii, cerrado (D. Burckhardt & D.L. Queiroz) #273(5) (NHMB, in 70% ethanol); 5 ♂, 8 ♀, ca. 20 km W Rio Verde, BR 060, -17.8146 -51.0918, 830 m, 31.x.2012, forest edge of cerrado along road (D. Burckhardt & D.L. Queiroz) #51(-) (NHMB, in 70% ethanol); 1 ♀, ca. 15 km NW of Mineiros, BR 364, -17.8310 -51.3709, 860 m, 1.xi.2012, degraded cerrado vegetation (D. Burckhardt & D.L. Queiroz) #53(-) (NHMB, in 70% ethanol).— MG: 1 ♂, 3 ♀, Uberlândia, Panga, -19.1837 –48.3961, 810 m, 8.ii.2018, Copaifera langsdorffii, cerrado (D. Burckhardt & D.L. Queiroz) #261(6) (NHMB, in 70% ethanol); 29 ♂, 20 ♀, Uberlândia, Clube Caça e Pesca Itororo, -18.9932 -48.3065, 830 m, 9.ii.2018, Copaifera langsdorffii, cerrado (D. Burckhardt & D.L. Queiroz) #262(1) (NHMB, in 70% ethanol); 1 ♂, 1 ♀,: same but -18.9931 -48.3061, 830 m, 7.x.2017, Copaifera langsdorffii (D.L. Queiroz) #836(6) (NHMB, in 70% ethanol); 40 ♂, 28 ♀, Coromandel, Fazenda Laje, -18.5428/5584 -46.8992/9164, 990– 1060 m, 28.x.2012, Copaifera langsdorffii, cerrado vegetation (D. Burckhardt & D.L. Queiroz) # 49(6) (NHMB, in 70% ethanol); 10 ♂, 7 ♀, 4 imma- tures, same but -18.5677 -46.9034, 1060 m, 5.iii.2014, Copaifera langsdorffii (D.L. Queiroz) #606(2) (NHMB, slide mounted, in 70% ethanol); 2 ♂, 1 ♀, same but -18.5610 -46.9020, 1060 m, 12.ii.2018, Copaifera langsdorffii, cerrado vegetation (D. Burckhardt & D.L. Queiroz) #263(5) (NHMB, in 70% ethanol); 122 ♂, 110 ♀, Vazante, Fazenda Bainha, Guariba, -17.8791/8795 -46.9187/9202, 640– 660 m, 20.ix.2011, Copaifera langsdorffii, cerrado, edge of natural forest (D. Burckhardt & D.L. Queiroz) #13(7) (NHMB, in 70% ethanol); 20 ♂, 14 ♀, same but Paiadão, -17.8915/8916 -46.9223/ 9235, 670 m, 21.ix.2011, Enterolobium contortisiliquum, cerrado, edge of natural forest (D. Burckhardt & D.L. Queiroz) #15(4) (NHMB, in 70% ethanol); 2 ♂, 1 ♀, same but -17.8843 -46.9164, 660 m, 23.ix.2011, Pterodon emarginatus, cerrado, dry natural open scrub (D. Burckhardt & D.L. Queiroz) #19(2) (NHMB, in 70% ethanol); 2 ♂, 4 ♀, same but -17.8828/8852 -46.9174/9181, 660– 740 m, 23.ix.2011, cerrado, forest edge around farm (D. Burckhardt & D.L. Queiroz) #20(-) (NHMB, in 70% ethanol); 19 ♂, 10 ♀, same but -17.8817/8832 -46.9164/9165, 660– 670 m, 26.xii.2011, Copaifera langsdorffii, cerrado, forest edge around farm (D. Burckhardt & D.L. Queiroz) #23(4) (NHMB, in 70% ethanol); 1 ♀, same but near source of Curtume river, -17.8891/8943 -46.9196/9205, 640– 690 m, 13–14.vii.2012, degraded cerrado vegetation (D. Burckhardt & D.L. Queiroz) #40(-) (NHMB, in 70% ethanol); 75 ♂, 99 ♀, same but -17.8913/8841 -46.9163/9221, 660– 670 m, 29– 30.x.2012, Copaifera langsdorffii, cerrado vegetation, edges of disturbed forest, eucalypt plantation, creek (D. Burckhardt & D.L. Queiroz) #50(8) (NHMB, in 70% ethanol); 1 ♀, same but near source of Curtume river, -17.8891/8942 -46.9196/9205, 640– 690 m, 11.ix.2014, Copaifera langsdorffii, degraded cerrado vegetation (D. Burckhardt & D.L. Queiroz) #145(5) (NHMB, dry mounted); 7 ♂, 5 ♀, same but around the house and eucalypt plantation, -17.8908 -46.9247, 660 m, 11.ix.2014, Copaifera langsdorffii, remnants of cerrado forest and eucalypt plantation (D. Burckhardt & D.L. Queiroz) #147(10) (NHMB, in 70% ethanol); 3 ♂, same but -17.8932 -46.9240, 670 m, 6.i.2016 (D.L. Queiroz) #747(-) (NHMB, in 70% ethanol); 6 ♂, 7 ♀,Vazante, Fazenda Bocaina, -17.8913/8925 -46.9108/9112, 670– 690 m, 22.ix.2011, Dalbergia miscolobium, cerrado near river (D. Burckhardt & D.L. Queiroz) #17(7) (NHMB, in 70% ethanol); 111 ♂, 106 ♀, same but Copaifera langsdorffii #17(8); 4 ♂, 8 ♀, same but Grota de Bocaina, -17.8903/8919 -46.9145/9165, 670– 710 m, 22.ix.2011,? Plathymenia foliosa, cerrado (D. Burckhardt & D.L. Queiroz) #18(2) (NHMB, in 70% ethanol); 27 ♂, 38 ♀, same but -17.8930 -46.9111, 640 m, 12.ix.2014, Copaifera langsdorffii, edges of cerrado forest (D. Burckhardt & D.L. Queiroz) #146(1) (NHMB, dry in 70% ethanol); 15 ♂, 14 ♀, Vazante, Votarantim Florestal, Fazenda Rio Escuro, -17.6890 -46.7536, 540 m, 16.iii.2015, Copaifera oblongifolia (D.L. Queiroz) #683(1) (NHMB, in 70% ethanol); 1 ♀, same but -17.6890 -46.7536, 570 m, 16.iii.2015 (D.L. Queiroz) #685(-) (NHMB, in 70% ethanol); 8 ♂, 8 ♀, same but -17.5782 -46.6609, 540 m, 16. iii.2015 (D.L. Queiroz) #686(-) (NHMB, in 70% ethanol); 1 ♀, same but -17.6194 -46.7185, 500 m, 16.iii.2015 (D.L. Queiroz) #687(-) (NHMB, in 70% ethanol); 1 ♀, same but -17.6286 -46.7002, 550 m, 17.iii.2015 (D.L. Queiroz) #688(-) (NHMB, in 70% ethanol); 3 ♂, same but -17.6890 -46.7612, 580 m, 17.iii.2015 (D.L. Queiroz) #690(-) (NHMB, in 70% ethanol); 6 ♂, 5 ♀, same but Fazenda Bom Sucesso, -17.6076 -46.6906, 540 m, 4.i.2017 (D.L. Queiroz) #797(-) (NHMB, in 70% ethanol); 1 ♂, 4 ♀, Patos de Minas, -18.5806, -46.5062, 790 m, 13.x.2006 (D.L. Queiroz) (NHMB, in 70% ethanol); 2 ♂, 1 ♀, same but Parque Mocambo, -18.5836 -46.5053, 840 m, 27.x.2012, planted trees and forest edge (D. Burckhardt & D.L. Queiroz) #48(-) (NHMB, in 70% ethanol); 236 ♂, 325 ♀, 13 immatures, same data as holotype but (MZSP, NHMB, dry and slide mounted, in 70% ethanol); 22 ♂, 33 ♀, 29 immatures, road Vargem Bonita to Cachoeira Casca d’Anta, Parque Nacional da Serra da Canastra, 15 km before Cachoeira Casca d’Anta, -20.3391 -46.4392, 880 m, 4.ix.2014, Copaifera langsdorffii, degraded cerrado vegetation (D. Burckhardt & D.L. Queiroz) #142(2) (NHMB, slide mounted, in 70% ethanol); 18 ♂, 11 ♀, 1 im- mature, Vargem Bonita, Parque Nacional da Serra da Canastra, Cachoeira Casca d’Anta, near waterfall, -20.3090 -46.5231, 860 m, 5.ix.2014, Copaifera langsdorffii, transition from riparian to cerrado vegetation (D. Burckhardt & D.L. Queiroz) #143(3) (NHMB, in 70% ethanol); 4 ♂, 9 immatures, same but Dalbergia brasiliensis, #143(4) (NHMB, slide mounted, in 70% ethanol); 1 ♂, 1 ♀, same but Inga vera, #143(5) (NHMB, in 70% ethanol); 8 ♂, 5 ♀, same but plateau, -20.2976/2986 -46.5195/5289, 1160– 1250 m, 6.ix.2014, Copaifera langsdorffii, degraded cerrado and riparian vegetation (D. Burckhardt & D.L. Queiroz) #144(7) (NHMB, in 70% ethanol); 1 ♀, Lavras, -21.2672 -44.9353, 900 m, 1–, Cenostigma pluviosum, edge of Atlantic forest around coffee plantation mixed with pastures (D. Burckhardt) #1(16) (NHMB, in 70% ethanol); 18 ♂, 18 ♀, 2 immatures, Conselheiro La- faiete, -20.5797 -43.7199, 1020 m, 20.viii.2013, plantation of Toona ciliata (D.L. Queiroz) #561 (NHMB, slide mounted, in 70% ethanol); 1 ♂, 1 ♀, same but -20.5797 -43.7199, 1020 m, 20.viii.2013, plantation of Toona ciliata (D.L. Queiroz) #562 (NHMB, in 70% ethanol).— MS: 7 ♂, 4 ♀, Rio Verde do Mato Grosso, BR 163, -18.9281/9519 -54.8357/9339, 350– 440 m, 13.xi.2012, Copaifera langsdorffii, cerrado vegetation, parc (D. Burckhardt & D.L. Queiroz) #68(3) (NHMB, in 70% ethanol); 1 ♂, 1 ♀, Corguinho, -19.8203 -54.8203, 300 m, 15.xi.2012, cerrado edge along unpaved road (D. Burckhardt & D.L. Queiroz) #72(-) (NHMB, in 70% ethanol); 14 ♂, 10 ♀, Campo Grande, near BR 163, -20.8907/8948 -54.5713/6599, 440– 450 m, 16.xi.2012, Copaifera langsdorffii, cerrado edge along unpaved road (D. Burckhardt & D.L. Queiroz) #74(10) (NHMB, in 70% ethanol); 3 ♂, 7 ♀, Sidrolândia, South of Sidrolândia, MS 162, -21.0786 -54.9560, 440 m, 17.xi.2012, Copaifera langsdorffii, cerrado (D. Burckhardt & D.L. Queiroz) #75(4) (NHMB, in 70% ethanol); 1 ♀, Ponta Porã, Fazenda Mariana, -22.0027 -55.5658, 560 m, 12–13.ix.2013, edge of eucalypt plantation, transition between Atlantic forest and cerrado (D.L. Queiroz) #574 (NHMB, in 70% ethanol); 3 ♂, 1 ♀, same but -22.0027 -55.5658, 560 m, 12–13.ix.2013, edge of eucalypt planta- tion, transition between Atlantic forest and cerrado (D.L. Queiroz) #575 (NHMB, in 70% ethanol); 1 ♂, 1 ♀, same but -22.0027 -55.5658, 560 m, 12–13.ix.2013, edge of eucalypt plantation, transition between Atlantic forest and cerrado (D.L. Queiroz) #576 (NHMB, in 70% ethanol); 5 ♀, 7 immatures, Nova Andradina, -22.2454 -53.3484, 390 m, 17.v.2006, Copaifera langsdorffii (D.L. Queiroz) #23 (NHMB, slide mounted, in 70% ethanol).— MT: 11 ♂, 15 ♀, 6 immatures, Chapada dos Guimarães, Rio Paciência, -15.3453 -55.8450, 300 m, 17.iii.2019, Copaifera (D.L. Queiroz) #934(1) (NHMB, in 70% ethanol); 41 ♂, 32 ♀, 8 immatures, same but Leguminosae, #934(2); 3 ♂, 3 ♀, 1 immature, Rondonópolis, BR 163, -17.5139 -54.7401, 410 m, 12.xi.2012, forest edge along road (D. Burckhardt & D.L. Queiroz) #66(-) (NHMB, in 70% ethanol).— PR: 1 ♂, 1 ♀, Ivaté, Beira de Estrada, -24.6290 -52.6086, 360 m, (D.L. Queiroz) #510 (NHMB, in 70% ethanol); 5 ♂, 9 ♀, Jaguariaíva, Parque Estadual do Cerrado, -24.1655 -49.6663, 770 m, 10.vii.2013 (D.L. Queiroz) #529 (NHMB, in 70% ethanol); 4 ♂, 5 ♀, same but -24.1646 -49.6602, 810 m, cerrado vegetation (D.L. Queiroz) #530 (NHMB, in 70% ethanol); 2 ♂, 3 ♀, same but -24.1833 -49.6603, 840 m, cerrado vegetation (D.L. Queiroz) #531 (NHMB, in 70% ethanol); 1 ♂, PR, same but -24.1829 -49.6618, 850 m, cerrado vegetation (D.L. Queiroz) #532 (NHMB, in 70% ethanol); 29 ♂, 27 ♀, same but -24.1638/1846 -49.6534/6665, 660– 780 m, 26–, Copaifera langsdorffii, cerrado vegetation (D. Burckhardt & D.L. Queiroz) #172(1) (NHMB, in 70% ethanol); 6 ♂, 1 ♀, same but -24.1685/1833 -49.6603/6670, 780– 820 m, 15–16.ii.2016, Copaifera langsdorffii, cerrado vegetation (D. Burckhardt & D.L. Queiroz) #197(1) (NHMB, in 70% ethanol); 2 ♂, 5 ♀, Tibagi, Parque Estadual Guartelá, -24.5595 -50.2565, 930 m, 9.xii.2013, cerrado vegeta- tion (D.L. Queiroz) #525 (NHMB, in 70% ethanol); 1 ♀, same but -3.2520 -60.22150, 990 m, cerrado vegetation (D.L. Queiroz) #526 (NHMB, in 70% ethanol); 1 ♂, same but -24.5641 -50.2521, 990 m (D.L. Queiroz) #527 (NHMB, in 70% ethanol); 5 ♂, 2 ♀, same but -24.5623/5666 -50.2589, 920–950 m, 23–25. vi.2015, Copaifera langsdorffii, cerrado vegetation (D. Burckhardt & D.L. Queiroz) #171(9) (NHMB, in 70% ethanol); 8 ♂, 8 ♀, same but Copaifera langsdorffii, #171(16); 11 ♂, 17 ♀, same but -24.5683 -50.2553, 938 m, 10–12. vii.2017, Copaifera langsdorffii, cerrado vegetation (D. Burckhardt & D.L. Queiroz) #245(3) (NHMB, in 70% ethanol); 6 ♀, Ponta Grossa, Parque Estadual de Vila Velha, -25.23078/2484 -49.9925 / -50.0298, 860–900 m, 17–18.ii.2016, Desmodium, Araucaria forest, transitional forest, Baccharis scrub (D. Burckhardt & D.L. Queiroz) #198(9) (NHMB, in 70% ethanol); 1 ♀, Palmeira, Recanto dos Papagaios, -25.4600 -49.7667, 960 m, 7.ii.2016, Desmodium barbatum, de- graded Atlantic forest (D. Burckhardt & D.L. Queiroz) #193(3) (NHMB, in 70% ethanol); 1 ♀, Paraná, Curitiba, UFPR, Centro Politécnico, -25.4474/4485 -49.2312/2383, 890– 920 m, 3–7.xii.2012, park with planted trees, remnants of Araucaria forest (D. Burckhardt & D.L. Queiroz) #84(-) (NHMB, in 70% ethanol); 1 ♂, same but -25.4467 -49.2317, 890 m, 5–6.ii.2016, park with planted trees, remnants of Araucaria forest (D. Burckhardt & D.L. Queiroz) #192(-) (NHMB, in 70% ethanol); 2 ♂, 1 ♀, Colombo, Embrapa campus, -25.3212 -49.1589, 920 m, 6.i.2015, park vegetation (D.L. Queiroz) #662 (NHMB, in 70% ethanol); 1 ♀, Bocaiúva do Sul, BR- 476 km 86, -25.1281/1904 -49.0850/1130, 900– 1080 m, 18.iv.2013, remnants of Atlantic forest along plantations (D. Burckhardt & D.L. Queiroz) #104(-) (NHMB, in 70% ethanol); 1 ♂, Morretes, Estação Marumbi, -25.4484/4492 -48.8901/8915, 230– 240 m, 14.ix.2011, mata atlantica (Atlantic Forest) along rail road track (D. Burckhardt & D.L. Queiroz) #5(-) (NHMB, in 70% ethanol).— RJ: 4 ♂, 5 ♀, Parque Nacional da Tijuca, pico da Tijuca, -22.9429/9438 -43.2851/2862, 960– 1030 m, 11.iv.2019, Atlantic forest (D. Burckhardt & D.L. Queiroz) # 325(-) (NHMB, in 70% ethanol); 1 ♂, 1 ♀, same but Bico do Papagaio, -22.9537 -43.3009, 930 m, 13.iv.2019, Copaifera trapezifolia, Atlantic forest (D. Burckhardt & D.L. Queiroz)#328(1) (NHMB, in 70% ethanol).— SC: 7 ♂, Canoinhas, -26.1912/1972 -50.3596/3661, 800– 830 m, 15.ix.2011, Mimosa flocculosa, mata atlantica (Atlantic Forest) (D. Burckhardt & D.L. Queiroz) #7(7) (NHMB, in 70% ethanol).— SP: 1 ♀, Santa Maria da Serra, Mina Velha, -22.6823 -48.3049, 450 m, 7.ii.2018, Copaifera langsdorffii, vegetable and fruit gardens, edge of cerrado (D. Burckhardt & D.L. Queiroz) #259(8) (NHMB, in 70% ethanol); 1 ♀, Piracicaba, USP, Esalq (Escola Superior de Agricultura “Luiz de Queiroz”) campus, -22.7134 -47.6258, 540 m 22.ix.2014 (T.M. Kuhn) (NHMB, in 70% ethanol); 16 ♂, 20 ♀, 2 immatures, same but -22.7108 -47.6322, 550 m, 6.ii.2018, Copaifera langsdorffii, park vegetation (D. Burckhardt & D.L. Queiroz) #257(4) (NHMB, in 70% ethanol); 1 ♀, Saltinho, Mata do Pinheirinho, -22.870 -47.677, 620 m, 6.ii.2018, forest edge; (D. Burckhardt & D.L. Queiroz) #258(-) (NHMB, in 70% ethanol).
Description. Adult (Fig. 106). Colouration. Head (Fig. 6) brown, vertex orange basally; dirty whitish stripes present on either side of coronal suture longitudinally, along lateral margin of vertex obliquely and at base of genal processes transversely. Eyes and ocelli reddish. Antenna dark brown to black with bases of segments 3–8 light becoming increasingly shorter towards apex. Clypeus dirty yellowish in the middle, dark brown along the edges; rostrum yellow with black tip. Thorax reddish brown dorsally; pronotum and mesopraescutum along fore margin dark brown; one yellow longitudinal stripe on mesopraescutum and -scutum and each a submedian and sublateral longitudinal stripe on either side of mesoscutum; mesoscutellum yellow; metanotum almost black; thorax laterally and ventrally dark brown to black with some yellow patches laterally. Legs dark brown, tibiae and meso- and metatarsi yellow. Forewing (Fig. 125) transparent, colourless or yellow with dark areas of radular spinules in cells m 1, m 2 and cu 1 as well as at apex of clavus; veins yellow or light brown. Hindwing whitish, transparent. Abdomen brown, intersegmental membranes reddish orange. Often with white dots on head, thorax and abdomen arranged in a longitudinal pattern. Younger specimens with less expanded dark colour.
Structure. Head inclined in a 45° angle from longitudinal body axis. Genal processes subconical with subacute apex, 0.4–0.6 times as long as vertex along midline (Figs 6, 116). Antenna 2.2–2.5 times as long as head width. Rostrum short, apical segment and sometimes apex of median segment visible in profile, 0.4–0.5 times as long as head width. Forewing (Fig. 125) 2.9–3.3 times as long as head width, 2.3–2.5 times as long as wide, broadly, evenly rounded apically; pterostigma short, about as wide as or wider than adjacent part of cell r 1 at base; cell cu 1 0.7–0.8 times higher than wide; surface spinules much reduced, present in apical half of cell r 1, in the middle of cells r 2, m 1, m 2 and cu 1 along wing margin, and in cell cu 2, leaving broad spinule-free stripes along the veins. Metatibia 0.7–0.8 times as long as head width. Terminalia as in Figs 131, 148–150, 162 and 167. Male proctiger 0.3–0.4 times as long as head width, with narrow, slightly curved posterior lobes basally. Paramere lamellar, widened along posterior margin near apex forming small lobe; with small, inwards directed sclerotised tooth apically which is narrowly truncate apically; inner surface moderately densely covered in long setae, with a dense group of thick spines at the hind margin subapically. Distal segment of aedeagus inflated in apical half; distal dilatation with apico-ventral hook which varies in size (Figs 149, 150), two apical small teeth, a lobe on either side subapically and a short membranous lobe basally; sclerotised end tube of ductus ejaculatorius short, very weakly curved. Female proctiger 0.9–1.0 times as long as head width, dorsal outline almost straight or weakly sinuous, apex slightly upturned, obliquely truncate; circumanal ring 0.3 times as long as proctiger. Female subgenital plate 0.5–0.6 times as long as proctiger, ventral outline almost straight; densely covered in setae, without seta-free patch in the middle on either side.
Measurements (in mm) and ratios (5 ♂, 5 ♀). Head width ♂ 0.56–0.64, ♀ 0.56–0.66; antenna length ♂ 1.40– 1.58, ♀ 1.26–1.50; forewing length ♂ 1.62–1.98, ♀ 1.68–2.16; male proctiger length 0.20–0.22; paramere length 0.20–0.22; length of distal segment of aedeagus 0.22–0.24; female proctiger length 0.60–0.64.
Fifth instar immature. Colouration. White, antenna yellowish with apices of flagellar segments brown. Tibiae and tarsi greyish brown.
Structure. Body 1.3–1.9 times as long as wide. Antenna 8-segmented, 1.3–1.9 times as long as forewing pad. Marginal setae on forewing pad weakly capitate, short and medium long, mostly shorter than distance between bases of adjacent setae; setae on dorsum of wing pads weakly capitate. Circumanal ring small, weakly indented anteriorly (Fig. 173).
Measurements (in mm) and ratios (23 immatures). Body length 1.00–1.90, antenna length 0.66–0.92.
Etymology. Noun in genitive case. Dedicated to Gloria Queiroz for her help in the field at Fazenda Bainha.
Distribution. Brazil (DF, GO, MG, MS, MT, PR, RJ, SC, SP).
Host plant, biology and habitat. Copaifera langsdorffii Desf., C. marginata Benth., C. trapezifolia Hayne. — In the material at hand, 26 adult specimens (7 ♂, 19 ♀) are parasitised by Strepsiptera, consisting of 11 male pupae, two of which are hatched (Fig. 223), and 16 adult females (Fig. 224). In general each psyllid is parasitised by one strepsipteran but one female psyllid has two parasitoids, one ♂ pupa and an adult female. The parasitoids were always found in the abdomen.—Cerrado, Atlantic forest, Araucaria forest, riparian and transitional forests, natural and degraded, along plantations, single trees.
Comments. Mitrapsylla gloriae differs from other copaiba psyllids as indicated in the key. In the small body size, moderately long, subacute genal processes, lamellar paramere and structure of the aedeagus, it resembles closely M. borealis, from which it differs in the paramere which is more expanded apically, the apical dilatation of the aedeagus, which is about half as long as distal segment, and the denser setae of the female subgenital plate, which cover the entire apical two thirds. The last instar immature differs from other Mitrapsylla species from copaiba in the relatively small, dorso-anteriorly weakly indented outer circumanal ring. We assume that the fourth instar immatures collected together with a longer series of fifth instar immatures of M. gloriae (sample D. Burckhardt & D.L. Queiroz #142(2)) belong to this species though the circumanal ring has its largest longitudinal extension in the middle rather than sublaterally as in the last instar. For this reason we do not include the fourth instar specimens in the type series. The same sample comprises also material of Jataiba uncigera and M. copaiferae whose immatures are quite distinct.
M. gloriae is widely distributed and very common on its host plants. The specimens from C. marginata are slightly smaller than those from C. langsdorffii but do not differ structurally.
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Additional details
- Collection code
- Event date
- 2014-09-04
- Family
- Psyllidae
- Genus
- Mitrapsylla
- Kingdom
- Animalia
- Order
- Hemiptera
- Phylum
- Arthropoda
- Scientific name authorship
- Burckhardt & Queiroz
- Species
- gloriae
- Taxonomic status
- sp. nov.
- Taxon rank
- species
- Type status
- holotype
- Verbatim event date
- 2014-09-04/08
- Taxonomic concept label
- Mitrapsylla gloriae Burckhardt & Queiroz, 2020