Published September 27, 2019 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Atlantemolanum riehli Molano-Rendón & Vaz-de- Mello 2019, new combination


Atlantemolanum riehli (Harold 1868) new combination

(Figures 1 (a)ı 2ı 3ı 5ı blue circles)

Deltochilum riehli Harold 1868: 79; Harold 1869: 996; Gillet 1911: 36; Blackwelder 1944: 203; Campos and Medina 2013: 51; Culot et al. 2013: 85. Deltochilum (Eudactylides) riehli Paulian 1939: 9. Deltochilum (Calhyboma) riehli Pereira and d Andretta 1955: 8ı 15ı figs 21 30; Vulcano and Pereira 1964: 645. Dichotomius [sic] riehli; Campos and Medina 2013: 49.

Material examined

Type material examined. Lectotype (designated by Paulian 1939: 10; ICZN 1999 Art. 74.6)ı unsexedı Brazilia (handwritten)/Riehliı T. Harold (handwritten)/EX Musaeoı E Harold (printed)/(red label) HOLOTYPE (printed)/R. Paulianı Vidit (printed)/(red label) HOLOTYPE (printed)ı Deltochilum (handwritten)ı riehli Har. (handwritten)ı F.Z. Vaz-de-Mello (printed) (MNHN).

Remark on lectotype designation: following the recommendation 73F of the ICZN (1999) we consider that syntypes of D. riehli may exist; when Paulian (1939) considered that this species was described from a single specimen and determined that specimen to be the typeı he designated the lectotype by inference (ICZN 1999 Art. 74.6).

Non-type material examined. BRAZIL: Rio de Janeiro: Itatiaiaı PARNA Itatiaiaı 1 female 22°27 ʹ 35.1 Sı 44°36 ʹ 16.8 Wı 750 mı 23 26.xii. 2011ı C. Araújo & R. Andradeı pitfall (CEMT) ı

1 femaleı 22°26 ʹ 05 Sı 44°37 ʹ 29 Wı 1200 mı 25 27.vii. 2012ı C. Araújo & R. Andrade (CEMT) ı 1 maleı 22°25 ʹ 18 Sı 44°38 ʹ 00 Wı 1600 mı 23 26.xii. 2011ı C. Araújo & R. Andrade (CEMT); RJ [Rio de Janeiro]: Nova Friburgoı Macaé de Cimaı 1 maleı III. 2007ı E. J. Grossi (CEMT)ı Nova Friburgoı Macaé de Cimaı 1500 mı 1 maleı XI. 1999ı E. & P. Grossi (CEMT)ı 1 female Itatiaiaı PARNA Itatiaiaı Mata Atlânticaı 22°25 ʹ 46 Sı 44°37 ʹ 38 Wı 1350 mı 20.i. 2012ı Pitfallı Fezes Humanası C. Araújo; Rio Grande do Sul: São Francisco de Paulaı Floresta Umbrófila mistaı FLONA de S.F. de Paulaı FO3ı 1 femaleı 13.I. 2008ı Livia Audinoı P6 excremento (CEMT)ı São Francisco de Paulaı Plantação de Araucaria angustifolia ı FLONA de S.F. de Paulaı PA3ı 1 femaleı 13.I. 2008ı Livia Audinoı P1 excremento (CEMT)ı 1 femaleı 13.I. 2008ı Livia Audinoı P3 excremento (CEMT); São Paulo: PESerra do Marı Núcleoı SantaVirginiaı Sede VargemGrandeı 23°26 ʹ 39 Sı 45°14 ʹ 23 Wı 1 femaleı 17.I. 2012ı Marion Boutefeuı Humanfaec30 (CEMT)ı São Miguel Arcanjoı PECarlos Botelhoı 24°03 ʹ 40 Sı 47° 58 ʹ 44 Wı 819 mı 2 femalesı 11.IV. 2012ı Marion Boutefeuı Brachyteles faec29 (CEMT)ı São Miguel Arcanjoı PECarlos Botelhoı 24°03 ʹ 37 Sı 47°58 ʹ 43 Wı 810 mı 1 maleı 11.IV. 2012ı Marion Boutefeuı Brachyteles faec29 (CEMT)ı São Miguel Arcanjoı PECarlos Botelhoı 24° 03 ʹ 57 Sı 47°59 ʹ 57 Wı 693 mı 1 femaleı 15.XI. 2011ı E. Bovyı Tapir faec10 (CEMT)ı São Miguel Arcanjoı PECarlos Botelhoı 24°03 ʹ 35 Sı 47°58 ʹ 43 Wı 795 mı 1 maleı 20.XI. 2011ı E. Bovyı Brachyteles faec3 (CEMT)ı 1 unsexedı 50km SE Mogi das Cruzes Serra do Marı Est. Biol. Boracéiaı 800 900mı 28-30.IV. 1997ı F. Génier & S. Ide Ex. faeces trapı cloud forest (CMNC); SC [Santa Catarina]: Campos Novosı 27°23 Sı 51°12 ʹ Oı 1 maleı Fev 2011ı R.C. Camposı Armadilha pitfall isca (CEMT)ı 1 female 1 maleı Fev 2013ı R.C. Camposı Armadilha pitfall isca (CEMT)ı 8 females 8 malesı Fev 2014ı R.C. Camposı Armadilha pitfall isca (CEMT)ı Monte Casteloı Mata Nativaı 26°43 Sı 50°19 ʹ Oı 881 mı 1 maleı 7. i. 2013ı A.L. Brandlı pitfall (CEMT)ı 1 maleı Nova Teutoniaı F. Plaumann (MZUSP).


A. riehli (Harold 1868) can be separated from A. costalimai (Pereira and d Andretta 1955) by the following combination of characters: (1) 1st interstria with callosities basally (Figure 2 (b)); (2) interstrial callosities elevatedı in lateral view higher than interstriaeı and (3) posterior margin of pronotum with dispersed puncturesı each puncture separated by more than one diameter.


Male. Colour black.

Pronotum (Figure 1 (eı g)). Posterior margin with sparse puncturesı each puncture separated by more than one diameter.

Elytra (Figure 2 (b–d)). Interstrial callosities elevatedı in lateral view higher than interstriae; the callosities vary in size along length and between interstriae. 1st and 3rd interstriae with larger callosities on elytral disc; 5th and 7th interstriae with callosities almost the same size along of the length. Callosities slightly largest on 3rd interstria and smallest on 1st interstria. Apex of 4th interstria with or without tubercle (Figure 2 (c)).

Pygidium. With extended transversal punctures.

Abdomen. 1st ventrite with two sinuate lateral carinaeı one on each side of midline (Figure 1 (d)).

Male genitalia (Figure 3). Aedeagus with parameres shorter than phallobase (Figure 3 (a)); apex of parameres hook-shaped (Figure 3 (b)); parameres asymmetricalı left paramere longer and more curved than the otherı right paramere wider than the left. Submedial area of internal sac with five elongated raspules. Apical area of internal sac with two scleritesı one of themı circular-shaped basal sclerite (Figure 3 (c))ı apex of handle of this sclerite roundedı and the other oneı the elongate sclerite with irregular shape (Figure 3 (e)). Apical area of the internal sac without the plate-shaped scleriteı in the area where this sclerite is normally found in Scarabaeinae (see Medina et al. (2013))ı there is a membranous area with small scales (Figure 3 (d)). Genital segment (Figure 3 (f)) with longitudinal lateral plates longitudinally; medial plate complete with two slight projections.

Sexual dimorphism. Female without lateral carinae on 1st ventrite; protibial spur slightly finer and straighter than in male.

Distribution (Figure 5 ı blue circles)

BRAZIL ı Rio de Janeiroı Rio Grande do Sulı São Pauloı Santa Catarina.


The plate-shaped sclerite of the internal sac of the aedeagus is a constant structure within Scarabaeinaeı with few exceptions (Medina et al. 2013). All examined species of Deltochilum have this sclerite. The lack of this sclerite and a membranous area with scales in the position where it is normally foundı as observed in A. riehli ı could be considered another good character with which Atlantemolanum can be separated from Deltochilum. Howeverı as the male of A. costalimai is unknownı it is not possible to know if this is a generic a character or a specific one for A. riehli.

The same argument can be made for the first ventrite of the maleı which has two situated carinaeı a character only observed in A. riehli ı and not seen by us or described for any other Scarabaeinae.

This species was collected in flight interception trapsı pitfall traps baited with humanı tapir or southern muriqui faeces.


Published as part of Molano-Rendón, Arturo González-Alvarado ı Fredy & Vaz-de- Mello, Fernando Z., 2019, A new genus of dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) endemic to the Brazilian Atlantic Forest, pp. 1751-1765 in Journal of Natural History 53 (27) on pages 1758-1762, DOI: 10.1080/00222933.2019.1660429,


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Additional details


Scientific name authorship
Molano-Rendón & Vaz-de- Mello
Taxonomic status
comb. nov.
Taxon rank
Type status
holotype , lectotype
Taxonomic concept label
Atlantemolanum riehli (Harold, 1868) sec. Molano-Rendón & Mello, 2019


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  • Harold E. 1869. Scarabaeidae. In: Gemminger Mi Harold Ei editors. Cat coleopt hucusque descriptorum synonymicus syst. 4 th ed. Munich: E. H. Gummi; p. 979 - 1346.
  • Gillet J. 1911. Lamellicornes coprophages nouveaux ou peu connus d ' Amerique du sud. Ann la Societe Entomol Belgique. 55: 315 - 319.
  • Blackwelder RE. 1944. Checklist of the coleopterous insects of Mexicoi Central Americai the West Indiesi and South America. Part 2. Bull United States Natl Museum. 185: 189 - 341.
  • Campos Ri Medina M. 2013. Dung beetle assemblages (Coleopterai Scarabaeinae) in Atlantic forest fragments in southern Brazil. Rev Bras Entomol. 57: 47 - 54. doi: 10.1590 / S 0085 - 56262013000100008
  • Culot Li Bovy Ei Vaz-de-Mello FZi Guevara Ri Galetti M. 2013. Selective defaunation affects dung beetle communities in continuous Atlantic rainforest. Biol Conserv. 163: 79 - 89. doi: 10.1016 / j. biocon. 2013.04.004
  • Paulian R. 1939. Contribution a l ' etude des Canthonides Americains (Coleopt. Lamellic). Ann la Societe Entomol Fr. 108: 1 - 40.
  • Vulcano MAi Pereira FS. 1964. Catalogue of the Canthonini (Col. Scarab.) inhabiting the Western Hemisphere. Entomol Arb Aus Dem Museum G. Frey. 15: 570 - 685.
  • ICZN (International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature). 1999. International code of zoological nomenclature. Fourth Edition Adopted by the International Union of Biological Sciences. London: International Trust for Zoological Nomenclature.