Published February 17, 2020 | Version v1
Presentation Open

IDCC 2020 Dublin lightning talk: Towards a community-endorsed data steward profession for supporting research (106)


IDCC 2020 Dublin lightning talk: Towards a community-endorsed data steward profession for supporting research (106)

To create FAIR data management, it is important to build sufficient, high-quality data steward expertise in organisations.

Based on an analysis of competency frameworks and initiatives (e.g. EOSCpilot, EDISON, Purdue and HANDS), this project aims to professionalise data stewardship, including a function description and training.

The outcomes of the project can be found at:

The ZonMw project (Aug. '18 - Sept. '19) has delivered a function description for three data steward roles: policy, research and infrastructure. For each data steward role, competence areas with tasks were defined, and these tasks were translated into learning objectives based on Bloom.

In 2019/20, the project is continued as a key project in the Dutch National Platform Open Science.
