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Published February 14, 2020 | Version v1
Journal article Open



Learning to communicate in a foreign language involves learning three of its aspects: communicative, interactive and perceptual. The communicative side of communication means the exchange of information between communicating individuals. The interactive side is the organization of interaction between communicators. The perceptual side of communication means the process of perception and cognition of each other by communication partners and the establishment of mutual understanding on this basis. From the point of view of the theory of communication, speech is included in a single communicative act. Various communicative situations are one of its constituent components.

The aim of the work is to study the pragmatic aspect of communication and its communicative-pragmatic situations which can be used for modeling intercultural communication.

The research methodology includes the method of analysis and synthesis of advanced pedagogical experience, critical analysis of literature, the method of trial training.

The innovation is determined by the study of pragmatic situations within the framework of intercultural communication. The speech situation in foreign language communication is considered taking into consideration communicative and pragmatic features that are mediated by certain sociocultural norms, rules, traditions and conventions, which is reflected in the main features of the communicative behavior of a native speaker of English linguistic culture.

Conclusion. Communicative-pragmatic situations can be used for teaching intercultural speech interaction taking into account communicative behavior of a particular linguocultural community that defines certain communicative strategies in specific intercultural communication situations. Such situations contribute to the formation of the ability to use language tools in accordance with the goals, place, time and areas of communication, plan one’s speech behavior, exercise control over speech acts and the actions of someone’s communication partners.



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