Published December 6, 2019 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Scomberomorus bleekeri

  • 1. McWane Science Center, 200, 19 Street North, Birmingham, Alabama 35203, USA.
  • 2. South Carolina State Museum, 301 Gervais Street, Columbia, South Carolina 29201, USA.
  • 3. University of Louisiana at Monroe, Monroe, Louisiana 71209, USA.


Scomberomorus bleekeri (Storms, 1892)

Fig. 64 J–R

Cybium (Enchodus) bleekeri Storms, 1892: 3, pl. 1.

Sphyraena sp. – Thurmond & Jones 1981: fig. 103, right.

Scomberomorus bleekeri – Bannikov 1982: 135.

Scomberomorus cf. stormsi – Clayton et al. 2013: fig. 6d.

Scomberomorus sp. – Maisch et al. 2016: 9, fig. 2, 27–33.

Material examined

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA – Alabama • 150 isolated teeth; Claiborne Group; ALMNH PV1985.87.4, ALMNH PV1985.87.5, ALMNH PV1992.28.33 (4 specimens), ALMNH PV1993.2.496a (2 specimens), ALMNH PV 2005.6.436.2, MMNS VP-8234 (12 specimens), MSC 34670, MSC 35777.1 – 5, MSC 37194.1.1–12, MSC 37194.3.1–17, MSC 37292, MSC 37368, MSC 37662.1 – 3, MSC 37894, MSC 38431.1 – 2, MSC 38540, MSC 38979, NJSM 24044, NJSM 24323, NJSM 24324, SC 2012.47.95, SC 2012.47.96 (26 specimens), WSU 24, WSU 5053 (43 specimens), WSU CC 546 (2 specimens).


Teeth measuring less than 6.0 mm high, 4.0 mm wide. Crown medially curved, biconvex; medial face more convex than lateral face; faces with thin layer of smooth enameloid. Crown bicarinate; carinae smooth, sharp, convex, not reaching tooth base. Tooth base thickened medially, D-shaped in basal view.


We identified two Scomberomorus species in our Claiborne sample, S. bleekeri (Storms, 1892) and S. stormsi (Leriche, 1905). The teeth of S. stormsi (see below) differ by being more elongated and gracile compared to S. bleekeri (Kemp et al. 1990; Weems 1999), they occasionally bear longitudinal striations on their labial and lingual faces (Casier 1946) and are more ovate in basal outline.

The teeth of Scomberomorus bleekeri differ from those of Palaeocybium in being asymmetrical in basal view (the carinae divide the crown into a thinner, weakly convex labial face and thicker, very convex lingual face), and by appearing slightly constricted basally due to the carinae stopping short of the tooth base. We consider the Scomberomorus material discussed by Clayton et al. (2013) and Maisch et al. (2016) to represent S. bleekeri. Thurmond & Jones (1981: fig. 47) figured three teeth which they assigned to Sphyraena sp., but our examination of these teeth revealed that the specimen shown in figure 47 (right) belongs to S. bleekeri.

Stratigraphic and geographic range in Alabama

The specimens in our sample were collected from the lower Tallahatta Formation at site ADl-1, the Tallahatta Formation at site AMo-8, the contact of the Tallahatta and Lisbon formations at sites ACh-7, ACh-14 and ACov-11, the basal Lisbon Formation at site ACov-11, and the basal Gosport Sand at site ACl-4. Upper Ypresian to middle Bartonian, zones NP14 to NP17.


Published as part of Ebersole, Jun A., Cicimurri, David J. & Stringer, Gary L., 2019, Taxonomy and biostratigraphy of the elasmobranchs and bony fishes (Chondrichthyes and Osteichthyes) of the lower-to-middle Eocene (Ypresian to Bartonian) Claiborne Group in Alabama, USA, including an analysis of otoliths, pp. 1-274 in European Journal of Taxonomy 585 on pages 175-176, DOI: 10.5852/ejt.2019.585,


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  • Storms R. 1892. Sur le Cybium (Enchodus) bleekeri du terrain bruxellien. Memoires de la Societe belge, de Geologie, de Paleontologie et d'Hydrologie 6: 3 - 14. https: // doi. org / 10.1017 / S 001675680016385 X
  • Thurmond J. T. & Jones D. E. 1981. Fossil Vertebrates of Alabama. University of Alabama Press, Tuscaloosa.
  • Bannikov A. F. 1982. A new species of mackerel from the upper Eocene of Mangyshlak. Paleontological Journal 16 (2): 135 - 139.
  • Clayton A. A., Ciampaglio, C. N. & Cicimurri, D. J. 2013. An inquiry into the stratigraphic occurrence of a Claibornian (Eocene) vertebrate fauna from Covington County, Alabama. Bulletin Alabama Museum of Natural History 31 (2): 60 - 73.
  • Maisch H. M., Becker M. A., Raines B. W. & Chamberlain J. A. 2016. Osteichthyans from the Tallahatta- Lisbon Formation Contact (middle Eocene- Lutetian) Pigeon Creek, Conecuh-Covington counties, Alabama with comments on Transatlantic occurrences in the Northern Atlantic Ocean basin. PalArch's Journal of Vertebrate Palaeontology 13 (3): 1 - 22.
  • Leriche M. 1905. Les poissons eocenes de la Belgique. Memoires du Musee royal d'Histoire naturelle de Belgique 3 (11): 49 - 228.
  • Kemp D. J., Kemp L. & Ward D. J. 1990. An illustrated guide to the British middle Eocene vertebrates. Privately published, London.
  • Weems R. 1999. Actinopterygian fishes from the Fisher / Sullivan Site. In: Weems R. & Grimsley G. (eds) Early Eocene vertebrates and plants from The Fisher / Sullivan Site (Nanjemoy Formation) Stafford County, Virginia. Virginia Division of Mineral Resources Publication 152: 53 - 100.
  • Casier E. 1946. La faune ichthyologique de l'Ypresien de la Belgique. Memoires du Musee royal d'Histoire naturelle de Belgique 104: 1 - 267.