Published February 11, 2020 | Version v1
Journal article Restricted

A new species of the genus Parapachymorpha Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1893 (Phasmida, Phasmatidae, Clitumninae) from Laos


Jang, Chang-Moon, Bae, Yang˗Seop (2020): A new species of the genus Parapachymorpha Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1893 (Phasmida, Phasmatidae, Clitumninae) from Laos. Zootaxa 4732 (1): 196-200, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4732.1.10



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  • Bragg, P.E. (2001) Phasmids of Borneo. Natural History Publications, Kota Kinabalu, Borneo, 772 pp.
  • Brock, P.D., Buscher, T. & Baker, E. (2018) Phasmida Species File Online. Version 5.0/5.0. Available from: http://phasmida. (accessed 1 December 2018)
  • Brunner von Wattenwyl, K. (1893) Revision du Systeme des Orthopteres et description des especes rapportees par M. Leonardo Fea de Birmanie. Annali del Museo Civico di storia naturale Giacomo Doria, Genova, Series 2, 13 (33), 1-230.
  • Brunner von Wattenwyl, K. (1907) Die Insektenfamilie der Phasmiden. II. Phasmidae Anareolatae (Clitumnini, Lonchodini, Bacunculini). Wilhelm Engelmann, Leipzig, 217 pp.
  • Clark-Sellick, J.T. (1997) Descriptive terminology of the phasmid egg capsule with an extended key to the Phasmid genera based on egg structure. Systematic Entomology, 22, 97-122.
  • Hennemann, F.H. & Conle, O.V. (2008) Revision of Oriental Phasmatodea: the tribe Pharnaciini Gunther, 1953, including the description of the world's longest insect, and a survey of the family Phasmatidae Gray, 1835 with keys to the subfamilies and tribes (Phasmatodea: "Anareolatae": Phasmatidae). Zootaxa, 1906 (1), 1-316.
  • Ho, G.W.C. (2017) Contribution to knowledge of Chinese Phasmatodea IV: Taxonomy on Medaurini (Phasmatodea: Phamatidae: Clitumninae) of China. Zootaxa, 4365 (5), 501-546.
  • Kirby, W.F. (1904) A synonymic catalogue of Orthoptera. 1. Orthoptera Euplexoptera, Cursoria et Gressoria. (Forficulidae, Hemimeridae, Blattidae, Mantidae, Phasmidae). British Museum, London, 501 pp.