Published February 8, 2014 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Соціалізуючий вплив акціонізму: мистецько-політичний синтез в проекції моделювання політичної поведінки


There is analyzed modernization of role-behaviour, new samples of political behaviour in post-modern reality under conditions of information and communication revolution. It is noted that at the age of postmodernism participation and self-expression of the person are actualized through creative forms of mass participation. There is proved research hypothesis that in the postmodern era visualization with game elements maximizes the effectiveness of political action. It is provedthat new forms of political action have emotional charge effect and common deed sense. There exists a strong convergence of policies with different art forms. There
are analyzed three forms of postmodern political action visualization: happening, performance and installation.


Соціалізуючий вплив акціонізму.pdf

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