Published September 30, 2019 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Variable correctional component in physical rehabilitation of early age children with a spastic type of motor disorders

  • 1. Nikolay MogaNational Pedagogical Dragomanov University


The article examines aspects of the relationship of the component constant of the strategy of correction and the variable component of the correction process. The possibilities of tactical variation of corrective measures are shown depending on the level of localization of the depression center of the central nervous system in young children with spastic syndrome of movement disorders. First of all, this refers to the mental development of children with cerebral level of oppression, since such children may have problems with speech development and behavior. This may complicate the process of remedial physical education of this contingent of children. The mental development of children with cervical oppression is less vulnerable, but with this option, the relevance of contraindications in physical rehabilitation is enhanced. The features of topography of spastic paresis in cerebral and cervical variants (monoparesis, paraparesis, triparesis, tetraparesis), as well as their greater manifestation in certain limbs (hemiparetic variant), are considered. The necessity of a more systematic approach to the correction of motor disorders with a greater topographic extent of spastic paresis is shown.

The question of the specificity of cerebral and cervical spasticity due to the inhibition of various levels of localization is studied separately. Depending on the location of the center of CNS depression, the tactics of correcting movement disorders in children of this cohort should be modified, which should affect the means and methods of correction, the methodical techniques used and the subject-spatial component.

The author proposes variants of the variable approach algorithms for overcoming spastic-type motor disorders in young children, depending on initial inputs in the form of localization of CNS depression, paresis topography, as well as the specifics of the existing spasticity and degree of its manifestation.

The perspectives of research in this area should include the practical saturation of the developed algorithms with the methodological content in order to increase the degree of differentiation and individualization of correction by means of physical education



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