Country resolved combined emission and socio-economic pathways based on the RCP and SSP scenarios
- 1. Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Reseach (PIK)
- 2. NewClimate Institute
- 3. University of Melbourne
Recommended citation
Article citation will be added once the article is available.
- Use of the dataset and full description
- Abstract
- Support
- Files included in the dataset
- Notes
- Data format description (columns)
- Data sources
- Changelog
- References
Use of the dataset and full description
Before using the dataset, please read this document and the article describing the methodology, especially the "Discussion and limitations" section.
The article will be referenced here as soon as it is published.
Please notify us ( if you use the dataset so that we can keep track of how it is used and take that into consideration when updating and improving the dataset.
When using this dataset or one of its updates, please cite the DOI of the precise version of the dataset used and also the data description article which this dataset is supplement to (see above). Please consider also citing the relevant original sources when using the RCP-SSP-dwn dataset. See the full citations in the References section further below.
If you encounter possible errors or other things that should be noted or need support in using the dataset or have any other questions regarding the dataset, please contact
This dataset provides country scenarios, downscaled from the RCP (Representative Concentration Pathways) and SSP (Shared Socio-Economic Pathways) scenario databases, using results from the SSP GDP (Gross Domestic Product) country model results as drivers for the downscaling process harmonized to and combined with up to date historical data.
Files included in the dataset
The repository comprises several datasets. Each dataset comes in a csv file. The file name is constructed from dataset properties as follows: <Source><Bunkers><Downscaling>.csv
The "Source" flag indicates which input scenarios were used.
- PMRCP: RCP scenarios downscaled using the SSPs: emissions and socio-economic data; scenarios are available both harmonized to historical data and non-harmonized.
- PMSSP: Downscaled SSP IAM scenarios: emissions and socio-economic data; scenarios are available both harmonized to historical data and non-harmonized.
the "Bunkers" flag indicates if the input emissions scenarios have been corrected for emissions from international shipping and aviation (bunkers) before downscaling to country level or not. The flag is "B" for scenarios where emissions from bunkers have been removed before downscaling and "" (no flag) where they have not been removed.
The "Downscaling" flag indicates the downscaling technique used.
- IE: Convergence downscaling with exponential convergence of emissions intensities and convergence before transition to negative emissions.
- IC: Regional emission intensity growth rates for all countries.
- CS: Constant emission shares as a reference case independent of the socio-economic scenario.
All files contain data for all countries and variables. For detailed methodology descriptions we refer to the paper this dataset is a supplement to. A reference to the paper will be added as soon as it is published.
Finally the data description including detailed references is included: RCP-SSP-dwn_v1.0_data_description.pdf.
If you encounter problems with the size of the csv files please let us know, so we can find solutions for future releases of the data.
Data format description (columns)
For PMRCP files source values are
- RCPSSP<Bunkers><Downscaling>: unharmonized downscaled RCP SSP scenarios
- PMRCP<Bunkers><Downscaling>: downscaled RCP SSP scenarios harmonized to and combined with historical data
- PMRCPMISC<Bunkers><Downscaling>: GDP and population data harmonized to and combined with historical data
For PMSSP files source values are
- SSPIAM<Bunkers><Downscaling>: unharmonized downscaled SSP IAM scenarios
- PMSSP<Bunkers><Downscaling>: downscaled SSP IAM scenarios harmonized to and combined with historical data
- PMSSPMISC<Bunkers><Downscaling>: GDP and population data harmonized to and combined with historical data
For possible values of <Bunkers> and <Downscaling> please see section Files included in the dataset above.
For PMRCP files the scenarios have the format <RCP><SSP><group>, where
- <RCP> denotes the RCP scenario. Values are RCP3PD, RCP45, RCP6, and RCP85.
- <SSP> denotes the SSP scenario. Values are SSP1, SSP2, SSP3, SSP4, and SSP5.
- <groups> denotes the SSP basic elements GDP modeling group. Values are IIASA, OECD, and PIK. Not all RCP SSP combinations exist as some SSP storylines are not compatible with all RCP emissions scenarios. For details we refer to the paper this dataset is a supplement to. A reference to the paper will be added as soon as it is published.
For PMSSP files the scenarios have the format <SSP><forcing><model> where
- <SSP> denotes the SSP scenario. Values are SSP1, SSP2, SSP3, SSP4, and SSP5.
- <forcing> denotes the radiative forcing level of the scenario. Values are 19, 26, 34, 45, 60, 85, and BL where 19 stands for 1.9W/m2 etc. and BL stands for baseline.
- <model> denotes the Integrated Assessment Model (IAM) used to generate the scenario. Values can be found below
Model codes in scenario names
ISO 3166 three-letter country codes or custom codes for groups:
Additional "country" codes for country groups.
- EARTH: Aggregated emissions for all countries
- ANNEXI: Annex I Parties to the UNFCCC
- NONANNEXI: Non-Annex I Parties to the UNFCCC
- AOSIS: Alliance of Small Island States
- BASIC: BASIC countries (Brazil, South Africa, India and China)
- EU28: European Union (still including the UK)
- LDC: Least Developed Countries
- UMBRELLA: Umbrella Group
Category descriptions.
- IPCM0EL: Emissions: National Total excluding LULUCF
- ECO: Economical data
- DEMOGR: Demographical data
Gases and gas baskets using global warming potentials (GWP) from either Second Assessment Report (SAR) or Fourth Assessment Report (AR4).
Gases / gas baskets and underlying global warming potentials
- CH4: Methane (CH4)
- CO2: Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
- N2O: Nitrous Oxide (N2O)
- FGASES: Fluorinated Gases (SAR): HFCs, PFCs, SF6, NF3
- FGASESAR4: Fluorinated Gases (AR4): HFCs, PFCs, SF6, NF3
- KYOTOGHG: Kyoto greenhouse gases (SAR)
- KYOTOGHGAR4: Kyoto greenhouse gases (AR4)
The following units are used:
- Million2011GKD: Million 2011 international dollars
- ThousandPers: Thousand persons
- kt: kilotonnes
- Mt: Megatonnes
- Gg: Gigagrams
- MtCO2eq: Megatonnes of CO2 equivalents using the GWPs defined by "entity"
- GgCO2eq: Gigagrams of CO2 equivalents using the GWPs defined by "entity"
Remaining columns
Years from 1850-2100.
Data Sources
The following data sources were used during the generation of this dataset:
Scenario data
- RCP scenarios website/data
- SSP basic elements website/data
- SSP IAM scenarios website/data
- SSP CMIP6 scenarios website/data
Historical data
- CDIAC data
- CEDS CMIP6 data paper/data
- EDGAR version 4.3.2: data, paper
- IMO GHG report report
- PRIMAP-hist v2.1 paper, website, data
- PRIMAP-hist SocioEco v2.1 data
For future versions
For full references we refer to the pdf version of the data description available in this repository and the list of related identifiers.
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