Published January 31, 2020
| Version v1
Soil variation response is mediated by growth trajectories rather than functional traits in a widespread pioneer Neotropical tree
Description of Soil_DataTrees.csv
- Tree_label: Label of trees on the field, there are 70 trees
- Tree_site: Site on which the tree has been sampled; COU: Counami; SPA: Sparouine
- Descr_date: Date of tree sampling
- Soil_type: Type of soil; FS: ferralitic soils; WS: white-sand soils
- Soil_sample: Label of soil sample
- H2Osoil: Soil water content (g kg-1)
- Clay: Soil clay content (g kg-1)
- SiltTh: Soil thin silt content (g kg-1)
- SiltCo: Soil coarse silt content (g kg-1)
- SandTh: Soil thin sand content (g kg-1)
- SandCo: Soil coarse sand content (g kg-1)
- Csoil: Soil carbon content (g kg-1)
- Nsoil: Soil nitrogen content (g kg-1)
- CNsoil: Soil carbon:nitrogen ratio
- MOsoil: Soil organic matter content (g kg-1)
- Ptotsoil: Soil total phosphorus content (g 100g-1)
- Kcec: Soil potassium:CEC[cation-exchange capacity] ratio
- Cacec: Soil calcium:CEC ratio
- Mgcec: Soil magnesium:CEC ratio
- Nacec: Soil sodium:CEC ratio
- Alcec: Soil aluminum:CEC ratio
- Fecec: Soil iron:CEC ratio
- Mncec: Soil manganese:CEC ratio
- Hcec: Soil hydrogen:CEC ratio
- pHsoil: Soil pH (cmol kg-1)
- CECsoil: Soil cation-exchange capacity (cmol kg-1)
- Indexsoil: Soil index of fertility = (K+Ca+Mg+Na)/CEC
K, Ca, Mg, Na, Al, Fe, Mn, H were initially measured in cmol kg-1
Description of Trait_DataTrees.csv
- Tree_label: Label of the tree on the field. There are 70 trees
- Tree_site: Site of sampling; COU: Counami; SPA: Sparouine
- Descr_date: Date of tree sampling
- Calendar_day: Day of the year (between 1 and 365) of tree sampling
- Soil_type: Type of the soil; FS: ferralitic soils; WS: white-sand soils
- PCA1_soil: Coordinates of the trees along the first axis of PCA (principal component analysis) with soil data, used as a quantitative soil index on FS-WS soil gradient
- mesHeight: Measured tree height (m)
- Height: Tree height based on the sum of all internodes length (m)
- Dbh: Tree diameter at height breast (cm)
- Age: Tree age (year)
- Order: Number of branching order
- Brtot: Total number of branches branching from the trunk
- Leaftot: Total number of leaves
- Fltot: Total number of inflorescences
- Acrown: Total estimated crown area (m²)
- INA1: Number of trunk internodes
- Brbear: Number of A2 bearing branches
- Brdead: Number of A2 dead branches
- Br1stH: First branching height
- Fl1stH: First flowering height
- Br1stIN: First branching node rank
- Fl1stIN: First flowering node rank
- Br1stAge: First branching age
- Fl1stAge: First flowering age
- LL: Leaf lifespan (day)
- Lpet: Petiole length (cm)
- Apet: Petiole cross-sectional area (mm²)
- Nlobe: Number of leaf lobes
- LMA: Leaf mass area (g m-2)
- Thleaf: Leaf thickness (µm)
- Aleaf: Estimated individual leaf area (cm²)
- Chlleaf: Leaf chlorophyll content (mg ml-1)
- H20resleaf: Leaf residual water content (%)
- dC13leaf: δ13C content (‰)
- Cleaf: Leaf carbon content (g kg-1)
- Nleaf: Leaf nitrogen content (g kg-1)
- CNleaf: Leaf carbon:nitrogen ratio
- Pleaf: Leaf phosphorus content (g kg-1)
- Kleaf: Leaf potassium content (g kg-1)
- WSG: Wood specific gravity (g cm-3)
- Tree_label: Label of the tree
- Soil_type: Type of the soil; FS: ferralitic soils; WS: white-sand soils
- rank_base: Rank of the internode from the base of the tree
- rank_top: Rank of the internode from the apex of the tree
- phyllochron: Phyllochron, number of days for the production of one leaf
- date: Estimated date of tree germination
- nb_day_base: Number of days since estimated germination
- nb_day_top: Age of the internode in days at tree sampling
- AS_rank_base: Rank of the annual shoot from the base of the tree
- As_rank_top: Rank of the annual shoot from the apex of the tree
- AS_nodes_base: Number of internodes per annual shoot
- AS_length_base: Length of the annual shoot (cm)
- AS_br_base: Number of A2 branches on the annual shoot
- AS_flo_base: Number of inflorescences on the annual shoot
- lg_en: Internode length (cm)
- ht_en: Cumulated height of the tree based on the sum of internode length (cm)
- ma_lgen: Moving average of internode length
- resi_lgen: Residuals of internode length
Additional details
Related works
- Cites
- Preprint: 10.24072/pci.ecology.100041 (DOI)