Published January 23, 2020 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

Advanced Optimal Battery operation and control algorithm - D5.4 INVADE H2020


Deliverable D5.4 provides an advanced optimal battery operation and planning algorithm, and it is a complement to the D5.3.
The report is split into two documents. The first document details the modelling framework for the flexibility management algorithm. Detailed model of batteries based on D6.2, EV model, and thermal load models are explained. The overall framework of optimization and the variable fixing issues and their solution approaches are presented in order to deal with uncertainties during operation planning. Finally, aggregated flexibility services that can be offered to external agents, i.e., BRPs and DSOs are elaborated.
The second document deals with a detailed explanation of the bi-level robust algorithm for optimal investment decisions on battery storage systems including optimal sizing and placement. In order to deal with the uncertainty modelling in the storage planning problems, robust optimization of storage investment is adapted.


D5.4 Advanced Optimal Battery operation and control algorithm.pdf

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INVADE – Smart system of renewable energy storage based on INtegrated EVs and bAtteries to empower mobile, Distributed and centralised Energy storage in the distribution grid 731148
European Commission