Published December 18, 2018 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Heterogeneous FD-mm-Wave Cellular Networks With Cell Center/Edge Users

  • 1. IRIDA Research Centre for Communication Technologies


In this paper, we assess the effect of full-duplex (FD) radio in the context of millimeter-wave (mm-Wave) communications. Particularly, we propose an analytical framework, based on stochastic geometry, to evaluate the performance of heterogeneous FD-mm-Wave cellular networks for two user location-based classifications, namely cell-center users (CCUs) and cell-edge users (CEUs). Moreover, we evaluate the performance of the considered networks with successive interference cancellation (SIC) capabilities. Based on the proposed framework, analytical expressions for the coverage and sum-rate performance are derived. We investigate the impact of FD-mm-Wave communications on the network performance of CCUs/CEUs and quantify the associated performance gains under different network parameter settings. Our results demonstrate the beneficial combination of FD radio with heterogeneous mm-Wave cellular networks, since it increases the spectral efficiency but also alleviates the effects of the multi-user interference. Furthermore, we present the tradeoff between the coverage and sum-rate performance of heterogeneous FD-mm-Wave cellular networks for the considered user classifications. The results show that half-duplex mode is beneficial for the CEUs to achieve better network performance, as opposed to the CCUs for which FD mode is more efficient. Finally, we show the effectiveness of SIC on the network performance, with significant performance gains for the CEUs.


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