Published January 20, 2020 | Version 1.0
Dataset Open

Earth - Venus Low-Thrust Optimal Transfers / Database A

  • 1. European Space Agency


A database of mass optimal trajectories of a low thrust spacecraft from Earth to Venus' orbit starting on the date 7th of May 2005 and arriving at Venus' orbit. 

This database was generated with a perturbation size of 0.2 and contains 429,316 trajectories with 100 samples along each trajectory.

The database is in the HDF5 format with 4 dataframes included. These are the 'nominal', 'train', 'val' and 'test' dataframes each of which contains rows of entries in the following format:

['t', 'p', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'k', 'L', 'm', 'lp', 'lf', 'lg', 'lh', 'lk', 'lL', 'lm', 'T', 'ux', 'uy', 'uz', 'traj_id', 'sampl_id', 'vf']

which are the time, equinoctial elements (6 of them), the mass, the costates of the Optimal Control Problem Hamiltonian (7 of them), the thrust magnitude, the thrust directions (ux, uy, uz correspond to fr, ft, fn), the unique trajectory id, the sample id (nth sample from the start), and the value function.

We are in the process of writing a paper titled "Real-Time Optimal Guidance for Interplanetary Transfers Using Deep Networks" that uses this dataset for the training of a neural network. The details on how we generated this data can be found in the paper, but it is essentially done using the (famous) "Backward Generation of Optimal Samples" method.


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