Published February 16, 2016 | Version v1
Dataset Restricted

Stem trichome mRNA-Seq dataset from the 20 accessions (part 3)

  • 1. University of Amsterdam
  • 2. 0000-0003-2161-8689


RNA isolation and sequencing 

Total RNA were isolated using the RNeasy Plant Mini Kit (QIAGEN) from 50 to 150mg of stem trichome material. RNA concentration and quality was assessed using the Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer instrument (Agilent).  mRNA sequencing was done using the Proton Ion system using PI chips and yielded between 25 and 33 million reads per sample.

Table of genotypes used


| accession  | species                        | accession nr | synonym | origin      |
| LA2172     | S. arcanum                     | TR0009       | -       | Peru        |
| LA1401*    | S. cheesmaniae f. minor        | EA00652      | -       | Ecuador     |
| LA1840     | S. chmielewskii                | -            | -       | unknown     |
| LA2695     | S. chmielewskii                | EA00759      | -       | Peru        |
| LA0407     | S. habrochaites f. glabratum   | EA00558      | -       | Ecuador     |
| LA1777     | S. habrochaites f. hirsutum    | EA00703      | -       | Peru        |
| PI134418   | S. habrochaites f. glabratum   | TR00015      | LYC38   | unknown     |
| LYC4       | S. habrochaites f. hirsutum    | TR00017      | -       | unknown     |
| LA1718     | S. habrochaites f. glabratum   | EA00699      | LYC4934 | Peru        |
| PI127826   | S. habrochaites f. hirsutum    | -            | -       | Peru        |
| LA1364     | S. huaylasense                 | TR00030      | -       | Peru        |
| Moneymaker | S. lycopersicum                | -            | C32     | Netherlands |
| LA4024     | S. lycopersicum                | TA209        | -       | unknown     |
| LA2133     | S. neorickii/L. parviflorum    | EA00729      | -       | Peru        |
| LA0735     | S. neorickii                   | TR00025      | LYC140  | unknown     |
| LA0716     | S. pennellii                   | EA00585      | -       | Peru        |
| LA1278     | S. peruvianum/pimpinellifolium | TR00005      | -       | unknown     |
| LA1954     | S. peruvianum                  | EA00713      | -       | Peru        |
| LA1578     | S. pimpinellifolium            | EA00674      | -       | Peru        |




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Defence in the wild; from trichome transcriptomes and metabolomes to breeding tools for defence markers in tomato 2300178970
Dutch Research Council