Published December 29, 2019 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Agricultural Cooperatives and Rural Poverty Reduction among Rural Farmers in Anambra State, Nigeria


This study assessed the nexus between agricultural cooperative and rural poverty reduction in Anambra State. The study utilised primary data, which were extracted from the questionnaire distributed to 213 rural farmers in Anambra State. Descriptive statistics were used to present and discuss data, while inferential statistics such as Paired sample T Test were employed to test hypothesis at the 5 level. The results study reveal that cooperative credit, cooperative farm inputs, cooperative farm extension services and agricultural cooperative marketing have significant positive relationships with rural poverty reduction among farmers in Anambra State at 5 level of significance. The study recommends among others, that government should complement the efforts of cooperatives by evolving a favourable credit policy which would lead to entrepreneurial development in the rural areas and that government at the three levels and all stake holders should endeavour to assist in providing adequate farm input supplies, crop varieties, good storage facilities among others because of their multiplier effects on poverty reduction, food security, job and wealth creation. Francis O Nwankwo | Stephanie Chidiogo Akonu "Agricultural Cooperatives and Rural Poverty Reduction among Rural Farmers in Anambra State, Nigeria" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-4 | Issue-1 , December 2019, URL:


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