Published December 13, 2019 | Version v1
Journal article Open

The Narrative Construction in the Novels of Vergílio Ferreira: The Influence of the Nouveau Roman and Nouveau Cinéma



The approach of the Vergilian text to the image has been analyzed by several authors, not only in the detection of cinematographic marks, as the use of narrative techniques that lead us to the seventh art, but also in the textual construction itself that would reveal a marked propensity for visualization. through the word. The Nouveau Roman and Nouveau Cinâma also bring unavoidable contributions to what can be defined as the crisis of the novel , such as metaphysical reflection, the transformation of things and beings that have unreality shapes, the valorization of allegory and esotericism. and that can be associated with Vergilian writing. Vergilian options for parallel narrative editing processes, the obsessive intrusion of the past into the present by the narrators mind, the omnipotent and ubiquitous recurrence of flashback, and the construction of descriptions that suggest cinematographic plans, are inescapable technical resources for crystallization in Vergílio Ferreira of technical similarities with cinema. On the one hand, we cannot talk about a cinematic writing in Vergílio Ferreira, but on the other hand, we cannot ignore the contact points between his writing and the cinema. Cardoso, L "The Narrative Construction in the Novels of Vergílio Ferreira: The Influence of the Nouveau Roman and Nouveau Cinéma" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-4 | Issue-1 , December 2019, URL:


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