Published June 30, 2019 | Version 1.2.2
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Diskerfery and the Alignment of the Four Main Giza Pyramids


  • 1. None


The curious alignment of the three main pyramids at Giza has puzzled many people over the ages. Various theories have been proposed, either based on site geometry or stellar alignments coupled with known ancient Egyptian religious beliefs. This paper shows that the precise alignment of the pyramids can be explained with mathematics alone, using diskerfery and other geometry. We then use the same techniques to identify the most-probable location of the now-dismantled fourth pyramid at Giza. The techniques and discoveries in this paper provide the basis for dating Giza, as discussed in the companion paper “55,550 BCE and the 23 Stars of Giza” (Douglas, 2019).


1.2.2 Added new diagrams showing angles between the centres. Renumbered diagrams. Added critiques and response. Added incredible diagram showing e as the key.



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