Published January 12, 2020 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Controlling the Speed of PMBLDC Motor Drive for an Air Conditioner by Using BL-SEPIC Converter

  • 1. Department Electrical Engineering, Siddhivinayak Technical Campus, Shegaon, Buldana, (MS), India


This paper presents the smooth speed control of a permanent magnet brushless DC motor drive (PMBLDCM) for an air conditioner. The bridgeless single ended primary inductor converter is used for proposed scheme. A bridgeless single ended primary inductor converter is basically boost converter followed by buck –boost converter. An analysis of speed control of permanent magnet brushless DC motor drive is done. The proposed scheme is used to combine the power factor correction controller and DC link voltage control in a single stage. With the implementation of proposed scheme conduction losses will be less. A single switch topology is used for the proposed speed control scheme. For the better speed control of a PMBLDC motor drive, it is essential to control a DC link voltage.  The Dc link voltage is proportional to the speed of BLDC motor drive. Power factor at input side can be control with the help of proposed scheme. A power factor correction (PFC) controller is design discontinuous Current Mode (DCM). A rate limiter is used for control torque and current in PMBLDCM at DC link. With the help of proposed scheme power factor correction (PFC) controller provides better power quality at input AC mains. From the analysis of various results obtained after simulation of BL-SEPIC it is observed that speed of a permanent magnet brushless DC motor drive can be control in smooth manner with power factor correction at input side. The proposed scheme is designed and results are shown in MATLAB Simulink Environment.



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Electrical Engineering