Published August 9, 2019 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Problem Solving Skills As Predictor of Success in Hawking Ventures of Child Workers in Fako Division of The South West Region of Cameroon


This study sought to examine the effect of problem solving skills on success in hawking ventures of child workers in Fako Division of the South West Region of Cameroon. The study adopted the convergent parallel design whereby data was collected using a questionnaire, observation and interview guides. The sample constituted 332child workers selected from five localities in Fako Division of the South West Region of Cameroon. Data was analysed descriptively by calculating frequencies and percentages. Inferential statistics were also employed using the Binary Logistic Regression Omnibus Tests of Model Coefficient 2 and Explanatory Predictive Power Nagelkerke R2 . Information from the observation and interview guides was grouped into themes which constituted the unit of analysis. The findings revealed that problem solving skills have significant influence on child workers success in hawking ventures in Fako Division Omnibus Tests of Model Coefficient 2=49.933 P=0.000 Nagelkerke R square =0.186 . The study showed that child workers use a variety of problem solving strategies like planning, monitoring and setting goals in their working environment to succeed in hawking. The study has also indicated that problem solving skills are also essential cognitive enterprising skills that can be used by entrepreneurs to succeed in business ventures. It was therefore recommended that parents should assist and equally guide their children to engage into meaningful work that would enable them use meaningful problem solving techniques to succeed in their endeavours. Patrick Fonyuy Shey | Patrick Mbicho Monju "Problem Solving Skills As Predictor of Success in Hawking Ventures of Child Workers in Fako Division of The South West Region of Cameroon" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-3 | Issue-5 , August 2019, URL:


115 Problem Solving Skills As Predictor of Success in Hawking Ventures of Child Workers in Fako Division of The South West Region of Cameroon.pdf