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Published December 3, 2019 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Biometrics Ethmoid by Computed Tomography

  • 1. Dr. Candia 1051, Asuncion, Paraguay, Sociedad Paraguaya ORL y CCC.



The ethmoid bone, is a structure that in the last 20 years was acquiring relevance for anatomists, clinicians, neurosurgeons and otolaryngologists, due to the great development of endoscopic surgical techniques and the multiple anatomical variants that it presents. Descriptive, cross-sectional observational study in which the retrospective consecutive review of the paranasal sinus tomographic studies in axial, coronal and sagittal sections of patients over 20 years of age of the radiology department of the Hospital de Clínicas, of the IPS Central Hospital, the Luque Regional Hospital, the Iribas Clinic and the Calvo Radiological Institute. The present work was prepared to satisfy some concerns such as the depth of the ethmoidal roof predominant by gender in the population studied; the frequency with which symmetry occurs in the ethmoidal ceiling; the frequency with which supraorbital cells are found in the population studied; finally, we intend to establish percentiles by gender of the dimensions of the ethmoid in the adult population. It was found that the depth of the ethmoidal roof was Keros II in both sexes and both nostrils; symmetry was found in 60%; supraorbital cells were found in 27.5% of cases. The measurements made by computed tomography in the ethmoid bones of the patients who participated in this study, do not differ from the measurements made by other authors.

Scope: Results contribute to improving knowledge of our population's anatomical variants to disseminate them, put them into practice and improve the experience in the integral management of patients with medical-surgical pathologies of the paranasal sinuses.



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